Books on programming and IT

Основы TypeScript

Основы TypeScript - Адам Фриман


 TypeScript — популярная надстройка над JavaScript с поддержкой статической типизации, которая наверняка покажется знакомой программистам на C# или Java. TypeScript поможет вам сократить количество ошибок и повысить общее качество кода на JavaScript.
 «Основы TypeScript» — это полностью обновленное третье издание классического бестселлера Адама Фримена. В нем освещены все возможности TypeScript 5, включая новые, такие как декораторы. Сначала вы узнаете, зачем и почему был создан язык TypeScript, а затем почти сразу перейдете к практическому применению статических типов. Ничего лишнего! Каждая глава посвящена навыкам, необходимым для написания потрясающих веб-приложений.

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Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations

Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations - Micah Lee

 Data-science investigations have brought journalism into the 21st century, and—guided by The Intercept’s infosec expert Micah Lee— this book is your blueprint for uncovering hidden secrets in hacked datasets.

 Unlock the internet’s treasure trove of public interest data with Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations by Micah Lee, an investigative reporter and security engineer. This hands-on guide blends real-world techniques for researching large datasets with lessons on coding, data authentication, and digital security. All of this is spiced up with gripping stories from the front lines of investigative journalism.

 Dive into exposed datasets from a wide array of sources: the FBI, the DHS, police intelligence agencies, extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, and even a Russian ransomware gang. Lee’s own in-depth case studies on disinformation-peddling pandemic profiteers and neo-Nazi chatrooms serve as blueprints for your research.

 Gain practical skills in searching massive troves of data for keywords like “antifa” and pinpointing documents with newsworthy revelations. Get a crash course in Python to automate the analysis of millions of files.

You will also learn how to:

  • Master encrypted messaging to safely communicate with whistleblowers.
  • Secure datasets over encrypted channels using Signal, Tor Browser, OnionShare, and SecureDrop.
  • Harvest data from the BlueLeaks collection of internal memos, financial records, and more from over 200 state, local, and federal agencies.
  • Probe leaked email archives about offshore detention centers and the Heritage Foundation.
  • Analyze metadata from videos of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, sourced from the Parler social network.

 We live in an age where hacking and whistleblowing can unearth secrets that alter history. Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations is your toolkit for uncovering new stories and hidden truths. Crack open your laptop, plug in a hard drive, and get ready to change history.

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Kali Linux в действии. 2 изд

Kali Linux в действии. 2 изд - Никита Скабцов


 В этой книге рассматриваются методы обхода систем безопасности сетевых сервисов и проникновения в открытые информационные системы. Информационная безопасность, как и многое в нашем мире, представляет собой медаль с двумя сторонами. С одной стороны, мы проводим аудит, ищем способы проникновения и даже применяем их на практике, а с другой — работаем над защитой. Тесты на проникновение являются частью нормального жизненного цикла любой ИТ-инфраструктуры, позволяя по-настоящему оценить возможные риски и выявить скрытые проблемы.

 Может ли взлом быть законным? Конечно, может! Но только в двух случаях — когда вы взламываете принадлежащие вам ИС или когда вы взламываете сеть организации, с которой у вас заключено письменное соглашение о проведении аудита или тестов на проникновение. Мы надеемся, что вы будете использовать информацию из данной книги только в целях законного взлома ИС. Пожалуйста, помните о неотвратимости наказания — любые незаконные действия влекут за собой административную или уголовную ответственность.

 Вы последовательно пройдете все шаги, необходимые для проведения аудита безопасности информационных систем и тестов на проникновение: от общих понятий, рассмотрения стандартов и необходимых действий перед проведением аудита до методов проникновения в информационную систему и закрепления в ней. Каждая глава книги подкреплена реальными примерами и содержит практическую информацию по применению тех или иных методов.
Книга адресована читателям, имеющим опыт работы в сфере информационных технологий и знакомым с работой основных сетевых сервисов как на Linux-, так и на Windows-платформах, а больше всего будет полезна системным администраторам, специалистам по ИТ-безопасности, всем тем, кто желает связать свою карьеру с защитой информации или аудиторской деятельностью.

 Во втором, дополненном и переработанном издании, информация была полностью обновлена и соответствует современным реалиям.

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Prototyping Python Dashboards for Scientists and Engineers

Prototyping Python Dashboards for Scientists and Engineers - Padraig Houlahan


 Create interactive and data-driven dashboards using Python. This hands-on guide is a practical resource for those (with modest programming skills) in scientific and engineering fields looking to leverage Python's power for data visualization and analysis in a user-friendly dashboard format.

 You’ll begin by gaining a fundamental understanding of Python programming, including data types, lists, dictionaries, and data structures. The book then delves into the world of reactive programming with Plotly and Dash, offering a hands-on approach to building interactive web-based dashboards. Next, you’ll see how to work with online data, how to scrape and clean datasets, and keep files up-to-date.

 The book also guides you through planning a dashboard prototype, outlining project tasks, trends, forecasts, spectra, and other design considerations. It concludes with a discussion of how the dashboard can be used for data visualization of real data, explaining the usefulness of tools such as spectra.

 By providing detailed examples for download and customization, Prototyping Python Dashboards for Scientists and Engineers will equip you with the skills needed to jumpstart your own development efforts.

What You’ll Learn

  • Design a dashboard with Python
  • Convert and filter Excel formatted files to produce CSV files
  • Create browser-served graphics with PLOTLY
  • Generate polynomial trend lines for forecasting
  • Build a Unix service to share your dashboard

Who This Book Is For

 Scientists, engineers, students, programmers, and data enthusiasts who aspire to harness Python's potential for data visualization and analysis through the creation of interactive dashboards. Many will be pragmatic programmers with modest skills and limited resources who mainly want to see a working solution they could emulate.

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Hands-On Microservices with Django

Hands-On Microservices with Django - Tieme Woldman


 Are you a Django developer looking to leverage microservices to create optimized and scalable web applications? If yes, then this book is for you. With microservices, you can split an application into self-contained services, each with a specific scope running asynchronously while collectively executing processes. Written by an experienced Python developer, Hands-On Microservices with Django teaches you how to develop and deploy microservices using Django and accompanying components such as Celery and Redis. You'll start by learning the principles of microservices and message/task queues and how to design them effectively. Next, you’ll focus on building your first microservices with Django RESTful APIs (DFR) and RabbitMQ, mastering the fundamentals along the way. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with dockerizing your microservices. Later, you’ll discover how to optimize and secure them for production environments. By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills you need to design and develop production-ready Django microservices applications with DFR, Celery/RabbitMQ, Redis, and Django's cache framework.

What you will learn

 Understand the architecture of microservices and how Django implements it Build microservices that leverage community-standard components such as Celery, RabbitMQ, and Redis Test microservices and deploy them with Docker Enhance the security of your microservices for production readiness Boost microservice performance through caching Implement best practices to design and deploy high-performing microservices

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MySQL Database Service Revealed

MySQL Database Service Revealed - Charles Bell


 Access all the information you need to begin using the MySQL Database Service (MDS) in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). MDS is Oracle’s new platform as a service (PAAS) offering for open-source database users. This book covers getting started with an account in OCI, gives a brief overview of OCI services available, and provides a short tutorial on MDS. Reading this book helps you take advantage of the powerful OCI features by building your own MySQL database in the cloud.

 Examples in this book center around running MDS in OCI, and include several of the popular use cases as well as advice on how to implement them. In addition, you will learn more about the related MDS OCI features, such as the high availability features currently available. Finally, you will learn how to back up and restore your data as well as how to get your data into and out of the cloud. The skills you learn in this book will help you get started using MDS and letting Oracle do the heavy lifting of managing MDS operations and implementation.

What You Will Learn

  • Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
  • Deploy MySQL Database Service (MDS) systems in the cloud
  • Connect your applications to MDS
  • Back up and recover using the data recovery features of MDS
  • Employ the newest high availability features of MDS

Who This Book Is For

 Systems engineers, developers, and database professionals who want to learn about the powerful features of the MySQL Database Service (MDS) and how to incorporate cloud-based database storage into their infrastructure and applications. Readers who are new to MySQL will appreciate the tutorial chapter, and those familiar with MySQL will learn the latest features of MDS as well as how to build inexpensive, powerful MySQL database servers in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

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Advanced JavaScript Unleashed

Advanced JavaScript Unleashed - Yousaf Khan

 Understand the confusing parts of JavaScript - Become a confident JavaScript pro by unraveling the most challenging aspects of the language. With easy-to-understand explanations and code examples, you’ll gain a solid understanding of JavaScript's most complex features in Advanced JavaScript Unleashed.

 With the continued popularity of JavaScript frontend frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, having a solid understanding of the more complicated parts of JavaScript is more important than ever. And with JavaScript being a dynamically typed language, it has some quirks. Some of its features can be confusing or hard to understand, for beginners and intermediate developers alike.

 After answering the questions of hundreds of JavaScript developers, Unpacking Intermediate JavaScript book author, Yousaf Khan, realized that the same few topics kept coming up over and over. There were fundamental aspects of JavaScript that developers were missing!

 This book aims to make it attainable for anyone to develop a deeper understanding of JavaScript by providing easy-to-understand explanations of all the important and hard-to-understand topics that keep many devs stagnant, producing the most bugs and unmaintainable code.

 Unpacking Intermediate JavaScript aims to make it attainable for anyone to develop a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language by providing clear and concise explanations of core mid-level topics. The book will cover closures, coercion, asynchronous nature of Javascript, hoisting, and event loop. But also dive into advanced topics like promises, async-await, and more.

 With multiple popular frontend JavaScript frameworks in use today (React, Vue, or Angular,) having a solid understanding of JavaScript makes it easy to learn and work with these frameworks.The carefully curated knowledge presented in this book will help you develop a solid understanding of the JavaScript language, and in turn will make it easy for you to work with different JavaScript frameworks.

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Database Systems. 14 Ed

Database Systems. 14 Ed - Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris


 Database skills are among the most in-demand IT skills. With its practical, accessible approach, Coronel/Morris' market-leading DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, & MANAGEMENT, 14th edition, equips you with a solid foundation in database design and implementation for today's market. The authors blend foundational theory, the latest real-world practices and the skills employers want. Straightforward writing and vivid illustrations make even complex concepts easy to understand. You'll learn the key to successful database implementation as you study how to properly design databases that fit within the larger strategic data environment. Expanded coverage includes big data analytics, NoSQL and data visualization technologies. In addition, the MindTap digital platform gives you real-world, hands-on practice to help you prepare for a successful career in database design and management.

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Building Computer Vision Applications Using ANNs. 2 Ed

Building Computer Vision Applications Using ANNs. 2 Ed - Shamshad Ansari


 Computer vision is constantly evolving, and this book has been updated to reflect new topics that have emerged in the field since the first edition’s publication. All code used in the book has also been fully updated.

 This second edition features new material covering image manipulation practices, image segmentation, feature extraction, and object identification using real-life scenarios to help reinforce each concept. These topics are essential for building advanced computer vision applications, and you’ll gain a thorough understanding of them. The book’s source code has been updated from TensorFlow 1.x to 2.x, and includes step-by-step examples using both OpenCV and TensorFlow with Python.

 Upon completing this book, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to build your own computer vision applications using neural networks

What You Will Learn

  • Understand image processing, manipulation techniques, and feature extractionmethods
  • Work with convolutional neural networks (CNN), single-shot detector (SSD), and YOLO
  • Utilize large scale model development and cloud infrastructure deployment
  • Gain an overview of FaceNet neural network architecture and develop a facial recognition system

Who This Book Is For

 Those who possess a solid understanding of Python programming and wish to gain an understanding of computer vision and machine learning. It will prove beneficial to data scientists, deep learning experts, and students.

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Learn Enough Ruby to Be Dangerous

Learn Enough Ruby to Be Dangerous - Michael Hartl


 All You Need to Know, and Nothing You Don't, to Create Ruby Programs, Gems, and Web Apps

 Programmers love Ruby for its elegance, power, and flexibility: that's why it was chosen for the Ruby on Rails framework that launched websites from Shopify to Coinbase. You'll love Ruby too, but you don't need to learn "everything" about it, just how to use it efficiently to solve real problems. In Learn Enough Ruby to Be Dangerous, renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the concepts, skills, and approaches you need to be professionally productive in both general-purpose programming and beginning web app development.

 Even if you're new to programming, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. You'll gain a solid understanding of object-oriented and functional programming, develop and publish a self-contained Ruby package (a gem), and use your gem to build and deploy a dynamic web app with the Sinatra framework. Focused exercises help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros dont care about. Soon, it'll be like you were born knowing this stuff--and you'll be suddenly, seriously dangerous.

 Learn enough about . . .

  • Writing real code quickly using interactive Ruby (irb)
  • Working with native Ruby objects and creating your own
  • Using functional techniques to write more concise and modular code
  • Creating tests and improving code with test-driven development (TDD)
  • Developing and publishing self-contained Ruby packages (gems)
  • Writing nontrivial shell scripts to leverage Ruby's power at the command line
  • Developing and deploying a web app with routes, layouts, embedded Ruby, and forms
  • Mastering modern development skills you can use with any language

 Michael Hartl's Learn Enough Series includes books and video courses that focus on the most important parts of each subject, so you don't have to learn everything to get started--you just have to learn enough to be dangerous and solve technical problems yourself.

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Programming Ruby 3.3

Programming Ruby 3.3 - Dave Thomas, Noel Rappin


 Ruby is one of the most important programming languages in use for web development. It powers the Rails framework, which is the backing of some of the most important sites on the web. The Pickaxe Book, named for the tool on the cover, is the definitive reference on Ruby, a highly-regarded, fully object-oriented programming language. This updated edition is a comprehensive reference on the language itself, with a tutorial on the most important features of Ruby - including pattern matching and Ractors - and describes the language through Ruby 3.3.

 Would you like to go from first idea to working code much, much faster? Do you currently spend more time satisfying the compiler instead of your clients or end users? Are you frustrated with demanding languages that seem to get in your way instead of helping you get the work done? Are you using Rails and want to dig deeper into the underlying Ruby language? If so, then we've got a language and book for you!

 Ruby is a fully object-oriented language. The combination of the power of a pure object-oriented language with the convenience of a scripting language makes Ruby a favorite tool of programmers that want to get things done quickly and cleanly.

 This comprehensive reference manual for Ruby includes a description of the most important standard library modules, built-in classes, and modules. It also includes all the new and changed syntax and semantics introduced through Ruby 3.3, including pattern matching and Ractors, and describes the language through Ruby 3.3.

What You Need:

  • This book assumes you have a basic understanding of object-oriented programming.
  • In general, Ruby programmers tend to favor the the command line for running their code, and they tend to use text editors rather than IDEs.
  • Ruby runs on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
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Ultimate Modern jQuery for Web App Development

Ultimate Modern jQuery for Web App Development - Laurence Lars Svekis

 Unlock the Full Potential of jQuery with this comprehensive resource crafted for web developers eager to excel in interactive web design and development.

 Beginning with an accessible introduction to jQuery syntax and integration, this book gradually immerses you in advanced concepts, including DOM manipulation and dynamic techniques. Explore the intricacies of jQuery’s hide, show, and animation methods, revolutionizing your approach to web interactivity. Delve into manipulating element contents, inserting new elements, and mastering advanced DOM manipulation for dynamic and responsive web interfaces.

 Engage in practical, hands-on projects, like crafting dynamic lists with interactive elements, to solidify your understanding and apply your skills in real-world scenarios. From event handling intricacies, including event bubbling and propagation, to mastering AJAX methods and callback options for responsive applications, every aspect is thoroughly covered.

 By the book’s conclusion, you’ll possess a robust foundation in jQuery, equipped with practical experience in AJAX, event handling, and DOM manipulation, ready to conquer the challenges of modern web development with confidence.

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Generative AI in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect

Generative AI in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect - Tom Colloton


 Chan and Colloton’s book is one of the first to provide a comprehensive examination of the use and impact of ChatGPT and Generative AI (GenAI) in higher education.

 Since November 2022, every conversation in higher education has involved ChatGPT and its impact on all aspects of teaching and learning. The book explores the necessity of AI literacy tailored to professional contexts, assess the strengths and weaknesses of incorporating ChatGPT in curriculum design, and delve into the transformation of assessment methods in the GenAI era. The authors introduce the Six Assessment Redesign Pivotal Strategies (SARPS) and an AI Assessment Integration Framework, encouraging a learner-centric assessment model. The necessity for well-crafted AI educational policies is explored, as well as a blueprint for policy formulation in academic institutions. Technical enthusiasts are catered to with a deep dive into the mechanics behind GenAI, from the history of neural networks to the latest advances and applications of GenAI technologies.

 With an eye on the future of AI in education, this book will appeal to educators, students and scholars interested in the wider societal implications and the transformative role of GenAI in pedagogy and research.

 The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Practical Java Programming with ChatGPT

Practical Java Programming with ChatGPT - Alan Stuart Bluck


 Embark on a Fascinating Journey into AI-Powered Software Development with ChatGPT. This transformative book challenges the conventional speed of software development by showcasing a diverse array of inquiries directed at cutting-edge AI tools, including Ask AI, ChatGPT 3.5, Perplexity AI, Microsoft Bing Chatbot based on ChatGPT 4.0, and the Phed mobile app.

 Diving deep into the integration of Java and ChatGPT, this book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of their synergy in programming. Each carefully crafted question serves as a testament to ChatGPT's exceptional ability to swiftly generate Java programs.

 The resulting code undergoes rigorous validation using the latest open-source Eclipse IDE and the Java language, empowering readers to craft efficient code in a fraction of the usual time. The journey doesn't end there—this book looks ahead to the promising future of ChatGPT, unveiling exciting potential enhancements planned by OpenAI. These innovations are poised to usher in even more formidable AI-driven capabilities for software development.

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Modern C Programming: Including Standards C99, C11, C17, C23

Modern C Programming: Including Standards C99, C11, C17, C23 - Orhan Gazi Yalçın


 This book provides comprehensive detail about modern C programming, including the standards C99, C11, C17, C23, reflecting recent updates. The book features a number of targeted examples, atomic data types, and threads. After covering the standards of C, the author explains data types, operators, loops, conditional statements, functions, pointers, and more. The book is intended primarily for electrical and hardware engineers looking to use or update their knowledge of modern C programming.

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Mastering MongoDB 7.0. 4 Ed

Mastering MongoDB 7.0. 4 Ed - Arek Borucki, Elie Hannouch, Leandro Domingues, Malak Abu Hammad, Marko Aleksendrić, Rachelle Palmer, Rajesh Nair


 Mastering MongoDB 7.0 explores the latest version of MongoDB, an exceptional NoSQL database solution that aligns with the needs of modern web applications. This book starts with an informative overview of MongoDB’s architecture and developer tools, guiding you through the process of connecting to databases seamlessly. This MongoDB book explores advanced queries in detail, including aggregation pipelines and multi-document ACID transactions. It delves into the capabilities of the MongoDB Atlas developer data platform and the latest features, such as Atlas Vector Search, and their role in AI applications, enabling developers to build applications with the scalability and performance that today’s organizations need. It also covers the creation of resilient search functionality using MongoDB Atlas Search. Mastering MongoDB 7.0’s deep coverage of advanced techniques encompasses everything from role-based access control (RBAC) to user management, auditing practices, and encryption across data, network, and storage layers. By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills necessary to create efficient, secure, and high-performing applications using MongoDB. You’ll have the confidence to undertake complex queries, integrate robust applications, and ensure data security to overcome modern data challenges.

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Mastering MySQL Administration

Mastering MySQL Administration - Arun Kumar Samayam, Naresh Kumar Miryala, RaviSatyaDurgaPrasad Yenugula


 This book is your one-stop resource on MySQL database installation and server management for administrators. It covers installation, upgrades, monitoring, high availability, disaster recovery, security, and performance and troubleshooting. You will become fluent in MySQL 8.2, the latest version of the highly scalable and robust relational database system.

 With a hands-on approach, the book offers step-by-step guidance on installing, upgrading, and establishing robust high availability and disaster recovery capabilities for MySQL databases. It also covers high availability with InnoDB and NDB clusters, MySQL routers and enterprise MySQL tools, along with robust security design and performance techniques. Throughout, the authors punctuate concepts with examples taken from their experience with large-scale implementations at companies such as Meta and American Airlines, anchoring this practical guide to MySQL 8.2 administration in the real world.

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Мониторинг PostgreSQL

Мониторинг PostgreSQL - Алексей Лесовский


 Мониторинг PostgreSQL составляет важную часть работы администратора, помогая отвечать на многие вопросы, связанные с производительностью. Эта книга всесторонне охватывает обширную тему мониторинга, соединяя в себе справочные материалы об инструментарии, практические приемы его использования и способы интерпретации полученных данных. Знание внутреннего устройства PostgreSQL и особенностей мониторинга, почерпнутое из этой книги, поможет в долгосрочной перспективе эффективно эксплуатировать СУБД и успешно решать возникающие задачи.

 Для администраторов баз данных, системных администраторов, специалистов по надежности.

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Объектно-ориентированное программирование с помощью Python

Объектно-ориентированное программирование с помощью Python - Ирв Кальб


 Объектно-ориентированное программирование (ООП) — это метод, основанный на представлении программы в виде совокупности объектов, каждый из которых является экземпляром определенного класса, а классы образуют иерархию наследования, что позволяет по-другому думать о вычислительных задачах и решать их с возможностью многократного использования.

 «Объектно-ориентированное программирование с помощью Python» предназначено для программистов среднего уровня и представляет собой практическое руководство, которое глубоко изучает основные принципы ООП и показывает, как использовать инкапсуляцию, полиморфизм и наследование для написания игр и приложений с использованием Python.

 Книга начинается с рассказа о ключевых проблемах, присущих процедурному программированию, затем вы познакомитесь с основами создания классов и объектов в Python.

 Затем вы научитесь создавать графические интерфейсы c помощью pygame, благодаря чему вы сможете писать интерактивные игры и приложения с виджетами графического пользовательского интерфейса (GUI), анимацией, различными сценами и многоразовой игровой логикой.

 В итоге у вас получится полнофункциональная видеоигра, включающая в себя многие методы ООП и элементы графического пользовательского интерфейса, описанные в книге.

 Вы узнаете, как:

  • Создавать несколько объектов и управлять ими с помощью объекта диспетчера объектов.
  • Научитесь использовать инкапсуляцию, чтобы скрыть внутренние детали объектов от клиентского кода.
  • Научитесь использовать полиморфизм для определения одного интерфейса и реализации его в нескольких классах.
  • Сможете применять наследование для использования существующего кода.

 «Объектно-ориентированное программирование с помощью Python» — это визуальное, интуитивно понятное руководство, позволяющее полностью понять, как работает ООП и как с его помощью сделать свой код более удобным в сопровождении, читаемым и эффективным, не жертвуя при этом функциональностью.

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How JavaScript Works

How JavaScript Works - Jonathon Simpson

 JavaScript is a complicated language with a lot of misinformation surrounding how it works. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript, from how it works at a technical level to how it is used to create websites and applications. Everything you need to know to start a career in JavaScript development is covered here.

 How JavaScript Works begins with a practical introduction of the basics before moving into the technical underpinnings of JavaScript, detailing everything you need to know, including variables, memory storage, functions, classes, types, maps, sets and APIs. Once you’ve fully absorbed these key topics. author Jonathan Simpson will show you how to put them into practice, demonstrating how they are employed for modern web development. You’ll learn how to use JavaScript with HTML and CSS to construct web pages and applications, how to change CSS with JavaScript, and how to utilize Fetch and asynchronous operations.

 Uponcompleting this book, you will have the foundational knowledge necessary to continue your journey to becoming a professional JavaScript developer.

What You Will Learn:

  • Gain insight into the technical essentials of JavaScript and how it works
  • Learn advanced concepts and such as memory storage and how classes, functions and objects actually work
  • Explore the basic mathematical underpinnings of JavaScript
  • Understand how JavaScript is used to manipulate HTML and CSS
  • Obtain the tools and knowledge needed to start your career in web development

Who This Book Is For:

  Anyone interested in a web development career, as well as those who may have already embarked on their careers, but who want to deepen their technical understanding of JavaScript and how it works.

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Антология машинного обучения. Важнейшие исследования в области ИИ за последние 60 лет

Антология машинного обучения. Важнейшие исследования в области ИИ за последние 60 лет - Терренс Джозеф Сейновски


 История машинного обучения, от теоретических исследований 50-х годов до наших дней, в изложении ведущего мирового специалиста по изучению нейросетей и искусственного интеллекта Терренса Сейновски.

 Автор рассказывает обо всех ключевых исследованиях и событиях, повлиявших на развитие этой технологии, начиная с первых конгрессов, посвященных искусственному разуму и заканчивая глубоким обучением и возможностями, которые оно предоставляет разработчикам ИИ.

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Modern CSS with Tailwind. 2 Ed

Modern CSS with Tailwind. 2 Ed - Noel Rappin


 This new edition of the book covers Tailwind 3.0, which changes the way Tailwind generates its CSS. Tailwind 3.0 has a large number of new features powered by the new system, including the ability to use arbitrary values with most Tailwind class patterns, and a new syntax for combining color and opacity in a single class. This book also covers the new standalone command-line tools for Tailwind.

 With CSS, you can do amazing things to the basic text and images on your website, and with just a little bit of client-side code to add and remove CSS classes, you can do exponentially more.

 In the latest edition of this book, you'll learn how to use Tailwind 3.0 and the new way it generates CSS. You'll code your way through Tailwind's newest features, including the ability to use arbitrary values with most Tailwind class patterns and a new syntax for combining color and opacity in a single class. You'll even dive into the new standalone command-line tools for Tailwind.

 The Tailwind setup is extremely explicit and makes it possible to understand the display just by looking at the HTML markup. Start by designing the typographic details of the individual elements, then placing and manipulating those elements in "the box" using a flexbox or grid design. Finally, move those elements around the page with helpful small animations and transitions.

 With Tailwind, it's easy to prototype, iterate, and customize your display, use prefixes to specify behavior, change defaults, add new behavior, and integrate with legacy CSS.

 Use Tailwind to make extraordinary web designs without extraordinary effort.

What You Need:

 This book is about Tailwind 3.0. You should have a basic knowledge of CSS and HTML.

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ChatGPT и Революция Искусственного Интеллекта

ChatGPT и Революция Искусственного Интеллекта - Тимур Казанцев


 30 ноября 2022 года мир навсегда изменился – Искусственный интеллект стал общедоступным через инструмент под названием ChatGPT. Это чатбот, с которым вы можете спокойно разговаривать практически на любую тему, вы можете спросить совета, а можете попросить подготовить для вас инвестиционное исследование, сгенерировать новый или проверить ваш программный код, создать бот для вас, даже если вы не знаете основ программирования, предложить диетический план для похудения, стать вашим персональным ассистентом или домашним психологом, написать эссе в университет, разработать маркетинговую стратегию для вашей компании, написать сценарий для фильма или статью с ключевыми словами, и способен выполнить еще много других запросов. Трудно понять настоящий потенциал, на что способен ChatGPT, потому что он ограничен только нашей способностью задавать правильные вопросы и нашим воображением.

 В этой книге мы рассмотрим возможности применения ChatGPT, а также более широкие последствия этой технологии для области ИИ и общества в целом. Мы рассмотрим историю развития ИИ, а также посмотрим, как различные модели ИИ используются сегодня в тех или иных отраслях. Мы также рассмотрим потенциальное применение ИИ в будущем, различные сценарии взаимодействия ИИ и людей, а также экономические, этические и социальные последствия их разработки и использования. Эта книга также поможет вам понять как использовать инструменты ИИ, чтобы увеличить свою личную продуктивность или найти дополнительные источники дохода, упрочить свои карьерные позиции или увеличить прибыльность и эффективность вашего бизнеса.

 Если вы все еще думаете, что ChatGPT – это интересная технология, но не более того, и она не изменит кардинально нашего будущего, образа жизни и рынка в труда, в частности, то вот вам еще один аргумент в пользу обратного – введение к этой книге, которое вы только что прочитали, было написано, в том числе, с помощью ChatGPT:) Уверяю, остальные части книги написаны настоящим автором-человеком, но как теперь это можно доказать?

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The Python book.16 Ed

The Python book.16 Ed - April Madden


 Python is an incredibly versatile, expansive language that, due to its similarity to everyday language, is surprisingly easy to learn even for inexperienced programmers. It has seen a huge increase in popularity since the release and rise of the Raspberry Pi, for which Python is the officially recognised programming language. In this new edition of The Python Book, you’ll find plenty of creative projects to help you get to grips with the combination of your Raspberry Pi and Python’s powerful functionality, plus lots of tutorials that focus on Python’s effectiveness away from the tiny computer. You’ll learn all about how to code with Python from a standing start with our comprehensive masterclass, then go on to complete tutorials that will consolidate your skills and help you become fluent in the language. You’ll learn how to make Python work for you with tutorials on coding with Django, Flask, Pygame and even more useful third-party frameworks. Get ready to become a true Python expert with the wealth of information contained within these pages .

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