
The Complete Developer: Master the Full Stack with TypeScript, React, Next.js, MongoDB, and Docker - Martin Krause


 A hands-on, beginner-friendly approach to developing complete web applications from the ground up, using JavaScript and its most popular frameworks, including Node.js and React.js.

 Whether you’ve been in the developer kitchen for decades or are just taking the plunge to do it yourself, The Complete Developer will show you how to build and implement every component of a modern stack—from scratch.

 You’ll go from a React-driven frontend to a fully fleshed-out backend with Mongoose, MongoDB, and a complete set of REST and GraphQL APIs, and back again through the whole Next.js stack.

 The book’s easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes will teach you how to build a web server with Express.js, create custom API routes, deploy applications via self-contained microservices, and add a reactive, component-based UI. You’ll leverage command line tools and full-stack frameworks to build an application whose no-effort user management rides on GitHub logins.

You’ll also learn how to: 

  • Work with modern JavaScript syntax, TypeScript, and the Next.js framework
  • Simplify UI development with the React library 
  • Extend your application with REST and GraphQL APIs
  • Manage your data with the MongoDB NoSQL database
  • Use OAuth to simplify user management, authentication, and authorization
  • Automate testing with Jest, test-driven development, stubs, mocks, and fakes

 Whether you’re an experienced software engineer or new to DIY web development, The Complete Developer will teach you to succeed with the modern full stack. After all, control matters.  

Covers: Docker, Express.js, JavaScript, Jest, MongoDB, Mongoose, Next.js, Node.js, OAuth, React, REST and GraphQL APIs, and TypeScript

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PHP и MYSQL. Серверная веб-разработка - Джон Дакетт


 Эта книга предназначена для разработчиков сайтов и приложений, веб-дизайнеров и программистов.

 Вы научитесь программировать на языке PHP, создавать сайты с нуля и управлять базами данных.

 Эта книга — самый простой и интересный способ изучить PHP и начать работать с базами данных MySQL.

 Внутри вы найдете наглядные фрагменты кода, скриншоты и иллюстрации, с помощью которых вы не только легко и быстро освоите азы программирования на PHP, но и примените полученные знания на практике, создав свой первый веб-сайт или приложение. Помимо этого, автор сосредотачивается на лучших практиках современного веб-дизайна, чтобы ваш продукт получился не только функциональным, но и удобным для будущих пользователей.

  Никаких специальных навыков для освоения этой книги не требуется.

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Mastering SQL Joins - Dane Wade


 Are you overwhelmed by SQL Joins?? Do you struggle to understand the concept of different SQL Joins??

 If Yes, then keep reading...
 Understanding the concept of SQL Joins is indeed a challenging task for many people. Combining data from multiple datasets and creating advanced queries leads to frustration and confusion.
 All you need is a resource that simplifies SQL joins and provides ample opportunities for practice.
 "Mastering SQL Joins: A Quick Handbook On Mastering SQL Joins With Practical Exercises" is your ultimate solution.

 This short handbook has everything you want to know about SQL as well as the hands-on challenges that'll equip you with skills to succeed.

 In this short handbook, you'll discover:

  • Simplified SQL joins concept in clear and concise language that helps you in creating a solid foundation for understanding SQL joins.
  • Practice questions after every chapter so that you reinforce your learning
  • Dedicated chapter for hands-on industry-level questions that will polish your skills
  • Illustrations to make things easy to understand and hard to forget so that you become a master in SQL Joins
  • Practice Dataset included in the book so that you don't have to waste time in finding the right dataset for practice SQL Joins.

  This book is not another dense theory-packed boring textbook filled with only technical jargon and fluff, which you need a computer science degree to understand.

 This is not just a textbook; this is an interactive practical handbook!

 If you want to enhance your problem-solving abilities, and gain practical expertise, then scroll up and click on "add to cart."

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Graph Algorithms for Data Science - Tomaž Bratanic


 Graphs are the natural way to represent and understand connected data. This book explores the most important algorithms and techniques for graphs in data science, with concrete advice on implementation and deployment. You don’t need any graph experience to start benefiting from this insightful guide. These powerful graph algorithms are explained in clear, jargon-free text and illustrations that makes them easy to apply to your own projects.

In Graph Algorithms for Data Science you will learn:

  • Labeled-property graph modeling
  • Constructing a graph from structured data such as CSV or SQL
  • NLP techniques to construct a graph from unstructured data
  • Cypher query language syntax to manipulate data and extract insights
  • Social network analysis algorithms like PageRank and community detection
  • How to translate graph structure to a ML model input with node embedding models
  • Using graph features in node classification and link prediction workflows

 Graph Algorithms for Data Science is a hands-on guide to working with graph-based data in applications like machine learning, fraud detection, and business data analysis. It’s filled with fascinating and fun projects, demonstrating the ins-and-outs of graphs. You’ll gain practical skills by analyzing Twitter, building graphs with NLP techniques, and much more.

 Foreword by Michael Hunger.

About the technology

 A graph, put simply, is a network of connected data. Graphs are an efficient way to identify and explore the significant relationships naturally occurring within a dataset. This book presents the most important algorithms for graph data science with examples from machine learning, business applications, natural language processing, and more.

About the book

 Graph Algorithms for Data Science shows you how to construct and analyze graphs from structured and unstructured data. In it, you’ll learn to apply graph algorithms like PageRank, community detection/clustering, and knowledge graph models by putting each new algorithm to work in a hands-on data project. This cutting-edge book also demonstrates how you can create graphs that optimize input for AI models using node embedding.

What's inside

  • Creating knowledge graphs
  • Node classification and link prediction workflows
  • NLP techniques for graph construction

About the reader

 For data scientists who know machine learning basics. Examples use the Cypher query language, which is explained in the book.

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Learning Snowflake SQL and Scripting: Generate, Retrieve, and Automate Snowflake Data - Alan Beaulieu


To help you become a Snowflake professional, this short but comprehensive guide covers the basics and best practices of using SQL and Scripting languages in Snowflake. Developers and data specialists will learn how to generate, modify and query data in the Snowflake relational database management system, as well as how to use analytical functions to create reports. The author will also show how to create scripts, stored functions, and stored procedures to return datasets using Snowflake Scripting. This book is ideal for those who are just starting to work with databases and need to run queries and reports on a Snowflake database or migrate from databases such as Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL to cloud platforms.

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SQL Server Наладка и оптимизация для профессионалов - Дмитрий Короткевич


 Исчерпывающий обзор лучших практик по устранению неисправностей и оптимизации производительности Microsoft SQL Server. Специалисты по базам данных, в том числе разработчики и администраторы, научатся выявлять проблемы с производительностью, системно устранять неполадки и расставлять приоритеты при тонкой настройке, чтобы достичь максимальной эффективности.

 Автор книги Дмитрий Короткевич — Microsoft Data Platform MVP и Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) — расскажет о взаимозависимостях между компонентами баз данных SQL Server. Вы узнаете, как быстро провести диагностику системы и найти причину любой проблемы. Методы, описанные в книге, совместимы со всеми версиями SQL Server и подходят как для локальных, так и для облачных конфигураций SQL Server.

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SQL. Сборник рецептов. 2 изд - Молинаро Энтони, де Грааф Роберт


 Рассмотрены готовые рецепты для решения практических задач при работе с СУБД Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL и PostgreSQL. Описаны извлечение записей из таблиц, сортировка результатов запросов, принципы работы с несколькими таблицами, обработка запросов с метаданными. Рассказывается о способах поиска данных средствами SQL,о составлении отчетов и форматировании результирующих множеств, работе с иерархическими запросами. Рассматривается использование оконных функций, обобщенных табличных выражений (ОТВ), сбор данных в блоки, формирование гистограмм, текущих сумм и подсумм, агрегация скользящего диапазона значений. Описан обход строки и ее синтаксический разбор на символы, приведены способы упрощения вычислений внутри строки.

 Во втором издании учтены все изменения в синтаксисе и архитектуре актуальных реализаций SQL.

 Для программистов, разработчиков и администраторов баз данных.

Второе издание включает:

  • Полностью обновленные рецепты, учитывающие более широкое использование оконных функций в SQL-приложениях.
  • Дополнительные примеры, показывающие обширное использование обобщенных табличных выражений (ОТВ) для создания более удобочитаемых и простых решений.
  • Новые решения, которые делают SQL более полезным для пользователей, не являющихся экспертами в области СУБД, включая специалистов по работе с данными.
  • Расширенные выражения для обработки чисел и строк.
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Learn PostgreSQL. 2 Ed - Enrico Pirozzi, Luca Ferrari


 The latest edition of this PostgreSQL book will help you to start using PostgreSQL from absolute scratch, helping you to quickly understand the internal workings of the database. With a structured approach and practical examples, go on a journey that covers the basics, from SQL statements and how to run server-side programs, to configuring, managing, securing, and optimizing database performance.

 This new edition will not only help you get to grips with all the recent changes within the PostgreSQL ecosystem but will also dig deeper into concepts like partitioning and replication with a fresh set of examples. The book is also equipped with Docker images for each chapter which makes the learning experience faster and easier. Starting with the absolute basics of databases, the book sails through to advanced concepts like window functions, logging, auditing, extending the database, configuration, partitioning, and replication. It will also help you seamlessly migrate your existing database system to PostgreSQL and contains a dedicated chapter on disaster recovery. Each chapter ends with practice questions to test your learning at regular intervals.

 By the end of this book, you will be able to install, configure, manage, and develop applications against a PostgreSQL database.

What you will learn

  • Gain a deeper understanding of PostgreSQL internals like transactions, MVCC, security and replication
  • Enhance data management with PostgreSQL’s latest partitioning features
  • Choose the right replication strategy for your database
  • See concrete examples of how to migrate data from another database, perform backups and restores, monitor your PostgreSQL installation and more
  • Ensure security and compliance with schemas and user privileges
  • Create customized database functions and extensions
  • Get to grips with server-side programming, window functions, and triggers

Who this book is for

 Learning PostgresSQL 16 book is for anyone interested in learning about the PostgreSQL database from scratch. Anyone looking to build robust data warehousing applications and scale the database for high-availability and performance using the latest features of PostgreSQL will also find this book useful. Although prior knowledge of PostgreSQL is not required, familiarity with databases is expected.

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Pro Oracle Database 23c Administration. 4 Ed - Darl Kuhn, Michelle Malcher


 Master Oracle Database administration in both on-premises and cloud environments. This new edition covers the tasks you’ll need to perform to keep your databases stable, tuned, and running. The book also includes administrative tasks specific to cloud environments, including the Oracle Autonomous Database running in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. New in this edition is help for DBAs who are becoming involved in data management, and a look at the idea of a converged database and what that means in handling various data types and workloads. The book covers some of the machine learning features now in Oracle and shows how the same SQL that you know for database administration also helps you with data management tasks. The information in this book helps you to apply the right solution at the right time, mitigating risk and making robust choices that protect your data and avoid midnight phone calls.

 Data management is increasingly a DBA function, and DBAs are often called upon for help in getting data loaded into analytics environments such as a data lakehouse or a data mesh. This book addresses this fast-growing new role for database administrators and helps you build on your existing knowledge to make the transition into a new skill set that is in high demand. You’ll learn how to look at data optimization from the standpoint of data analysis and machine learning so that you can be seen as a key player in preparing your organization’s data for those type of activities. You’ll know how to pull back information from a combination of relational tables and JSON structures. You’ll become familiar with the tools that Oracle Database provides to make analytics easier and more straightforward. And you’ll learn simpler ways to manage time-based tables that eliminate the need for painfully creating triggers to track the history of row changes over time.

 This book builds your skills as an Oracle Database administrator with the aim of helping you to be seen as a key player in data management as your organization pivots toward cloud computing and a greater use of machine learning and analytics technologies.

What You'll Learn

  • Configure and manage Oracle 23c databases both on-premises and in the cloud
  • Meet your DBA responsibilities in the Oracle Cloud and with Database Cloud Services
  • Perform administrative tasks for Autonomous Database dedicated environments
  • Perform DBA tasks and effectively use data management tools
  • Migrate from on-premises to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Troubleshoot issues with Oracle 23c databases and quickly solve performance problems
  • Architect cloud, on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud database environments

Who This Book Is For

 Oracle database administrators (DBAs) who want to be current with the new features in Oracle Database 23c. For any DBA who is tasked with managing Oracle databases in cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud configurations. Also helpful for data architects who are designing analytic solutions in data lakehouse and data mesh environments.

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SQL для чайников. 9 изд - Тейлор Аллен


 SQL для чайников. 9-е изд.. Перед вами новейшее издание бестселлера, посвященное последней версии стандарта SQL. Здесь вы найдете информацию о том, как эффективно применять SQL для построения реляционных баз данных. Вы узнаете, как проектировать и защищать базы данных, а также извлекать из них всю необходимую информацию. В эпоху больших данных крайне важно иметь под рукой простое и доступное руководство по работе с информационными ресурсами.

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Проектирование и реализация систем управления базами данных - Эдвард Сьоре



 В книге рассматриваются системы баз данных с точки зрения разработчика ПО. Автор подробно разбирает исходный код полностью функциональной, но при этом простой для изучения учебной базы данных SimpleDB и предлагает читателям, изменяя отдельные ее компоненты, разобраться в том, к чему это приведет. Это отличный способ погрузиться в тему и изучить, как работают базы данных на уровне исходного кода.

 Приводится краткий обзор систем баз данных; рассказывается о том, как написать приложение базы данных на Java; подробно описываются отдельные компоненты типичной системы баз данных, начиная с самого низкого уровня абстракции (управление дисками и диспетчер файлов) и заканчивая самым верхним (интерфейс клиента JDBC). Заключительные главы посвящены эффективной обработке запросов.

 Издание предназначено для студентов вузов, а также всех разработчиков, кто хочет научиться создавать системы баз данных.

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Принципы организации распределенных баз данных - М. Тамер Ёcy, Патрик Вальдуриес


 В книге представлено подробное описание распределенных и параллельных баз данных с учетом новейших технологий. Авторы затрагивают такие темы, как проектирование распределенных и параллельных БД, контроль распределенных данных, распределенная обработка запросов и транзакций, интеграция баз данных. Отдельная глава посвящена обработке больших данных (в частности, обсуждаются распределенные системы хранения, потоковая обработка данных, платформы MapReduce и Spark, анализ графов и озера данных). Обработка веб-данных рассматривается с акцентом на технологию RDF, получившую широкое распространение.

 В конце глав 2-12 приводятся упражнения, позволяющие закрепить теоретический материал. На сопроводительном сайте читатели найдут информацию об основах реляционных баз данных, обработке запросов, управлении транзакциями и компьютерных сетях. Кроме того, на сайте выложены все рисунки к книге, слайды и решения упражнений (только для преподавателей).

 Издание может использоваться в качестве учебника для студентов и магистрантов, изучающих информатику и смежные дисциплины, а также заинтересует всех, кто занимается компьютерными науками.

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Базы данных. Инжиниринг надежности - Лейн Кэмпбелл, Черити Мейджорс


 В сфере IT произошла настоящая революция – с инфраструктурой стали работать как с кодом. Этот процесс создает не только новые проблемы, но и возможности для обеспечения безотказной работы баз данных. Авторы подготовили это практическое руководство для всех, кто желает влиться в сообщество современных инженеров по обеспечению надежности баз данных (database reliability engineers, DBRE).

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Изучаем SQL и MySQL - Ашвин Паджанкар


 Эта книга представлят собой пошаговое руководство, которое поможет вам с легкостью управлять данными в реляционной базе данных MySQL или MariaDB с помощью SQL-запросов. В книге подробно рассматривается аспект извлечения данных SQL-запросов с использованием оператора WHERE и обработки состояния NULL, а также функции, доступные в MySQL. Затем рассматривается объединение данных из нескольких источников и изучатся стиль ANSI, а также синтаксис старого стиля для всех типов соединений. В последней части подробно рассматриваются DDL и DML. Кром того, автор рассказывает, как можно запускать SQL-запросы из программы Python 3 и наполнять DataFrame Pandas данными из таблиц базы данных MySQL.

 Цель данно книги: сформировать понимание концепций, связанных с реляционными базами данных, и навыки подключния Python и Pandas к MySQL/MariaDB.

 Эта книга предназначена как для новичков, так и для профессионалов. Она будет полезна специалистам по данным, аналитикам данных и администраторам баз данных.

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Database-Driven Web Development. 2 Ed - Thomas Valentine


 This book will teach you the essential knowledge required to be a successful and productive web developer with the ability to produce cutting-edge websites utilizing a database.

 This updated edition starts with the fundamentals of web development before delving into Perl and MySQL concepts such as script and database modelling, script-driven database interactions, content generation from a database, and information delivery from the server to the browser and vice versa. The only skills required to get the most from this book are basic knowledge of how the Internet works and a novice skill level with Perl and MySQL. The rest is intuitively presented code that most people can quickly and easily understand and employ. An extensive selection of practical, fully functional programming constructs in six different programming languages will give you the knowledge and tools required to create eye-catching, capable, and functionally impressive database-driven websites.

 Author Thomas Valentine has taken the concepts presented in the first edition of this book to new heights, offering in-depth discussions of each area of functionality required to develop fully formed database-driven web applications. He has expanded on the examples presented in the first edition and has included some very interesting and useful programming techniques for your consideration. Upon completing this book, you’ll have gained the benefit of the author’s decades worth of experience and will be able to apply your new knowledge and skills to your own projects.

What You Will Learn

  • Install, configure and use a trio of software packages (Apache Web Server, MySQL Database Server, and Perl Scripting Server)
  • Create an effective web development workstation with databases in mind
  • Use the PERL scripting language and MySQL databases effectively
  • Maximize the Apache Web Server

Who This Book Is For

Those who already know web development basics and web developers who want to master database-driven web development. The skills required to understand the concepts put forth in this book are a working knowledge of PERL and basic MySQL.

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MySQL Cookbook. 4 Ed - Alkin Tezuysal, Sveta Smirnova


 For MySQL, the price of popularity comes with a flood of questions from users on how to solve specific data-related issues. That's where this cookbook comes in. When you need quick solutions or techniques, this handy resource provides scores of short, focused pieces of code, hundreds of worked-out examples, and clear, concise explanations for programmers who don't have the time (or expertise) to resolve MySQL problems from scratch.

 In this updated fourth edition, authors Sveta Smirnova and Alkin Tezuysal provide more than 200 recipes that cover powerful features in both MySQL 5.7 and 8.0. Beginners as well as professional database and web developers will dive into topics such as MySQL Shell, MySQL replication, and working with JSON.

You'll learn how to:

  • Connect to a server, issue queries, and retrieve results
  • Retrieve data from the MySQL Server
  • Store, retrieve, and manipulate strings
  • Work with dates and times
  • Sort query results and generate summaries
  • Assess the characteristics of a dataset
  • Write stored functions and procedures
  • Use stored routines, triggers, and scheduled events
  • Perform basic MySQL administration tasks
  • Understand MySQL monitoring fundamentals
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Оконные функции в T-SQL - Ицик Бен-Ган


 В своей книге Ицик Бен-Ган, эксперт по оптимизации запросов на языке T-SQL, предлагает на примерах ознакомиться со всеми типами оконных функций: агрегатными, ранжирующими, статистическими, а также функциями смещения и функциями упорядоченного набора. Большая часть книги посвящена оптимизации оконных функций, а также готовым решениям бизнес-задач с использованием новейших техник.

 Книга предназначена для разработчиков и администраторов СУБД, аналитиков данных, специалистов в области бизнес-аналитики и тех, кто знаком с основами запросов на языке T-SQL.
 Издание актуально для версий SQL Server вплоть до 2019, а также для Azure SQL Database.

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SQL and NoSQL Databases. 2 Ed - Andreas Meier, Michael Kaufmann


 This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases. The authors thoroughly review the current state of database tools and techniques and examine upcoming innovations.

 In the first five chapters, the authors analyze in detail the management, modeling, languages, security, and architecture of relational databases, graph databases, and document databases. Moreover, an overview of other SQL- and NoSQL-based database approaches is provided. In addition to classic concepts such as the entity and relationship model and its mapping in SQL database schemas, query languages or transaction management, other aspects for NoSQL databases such as non-relational data models, document and graph query languages (MQL, Cypher), the Map/Reduce procedure, distribution options (sharding, replication) or the CAP theorem (Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) are explained.

 This 2nd English edition offers a new in-depth introduction to document databases with a method for modeling document structures, an overview of the document-oriented MongoDB query language MQL as well as security and architecture aspects. The topic of database security is newly introduced as a separate chapter and analyzed in detail with regard to data protection, integrity, and transactions. Texts on data management, database programming, and data warehousing and data lakes have been updated. In addition, the book now explains the concepts of JSON, JSON schema, BSON, index-free neighborhood, cloud databases, search engines and time series databases.

 The book includes more than 100 tables, examples and illustrations, and each chapter offers a list of resources for further reading. It conveys an in-depth comparison of relational and non-relational approaches and shows how to undertake development for big data applications. This way, it benefits students and practitioners working across the broad field of data science and applied information technology.

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SQL для анализа данных - Кэти Танимура


 Рассказывается о возможностях SQL применительно к анализу данных. Сравниваются различные типы баз данных, описаны методы подготовки данных для анализа. Рассказано о типах данных, структуре SQL-запросов, профилировании, структурировании и очистке данных. Описаны методы анализа временных рядов, трендов, приведены примеры анализа данных с учётом сезонности. Отдельные главы посвящены когортному анализу, текстовому анализу, выявлению и обработке аномалий, анализу результатов экспериментов и А/В-тестирования. Описано создание сложных наборов данных, комбинирование методов анализа. Приведены практические примеры анализа воронки продаж и потребительской корзины.

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Mastering MEAN Stack - Pinakin Ashok Chaubal


The MEAN stack, comprising MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, is a widely used and robust web development framework. Acquiring expertise in the MEAN stack will equip you with the necessary skills to strengthen your web development capabilities, enabling you to build efficient and modern web applications.

 This book is a comprehensive guide to full stack development using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js). It covers all the essential aspects of building robust web applications, from architectural design to implementation. The book introduces the fundamentals of full-stack development and the advantages of using the MEAN stack. It explains the installation and configuration of the MEAN stack components and teaches how to connect them to create powerful full-stack applications seamlessly. The book also covers security mechanisms like authentication and authorization to ensure application security. The book will help you gain proficiency in front-end development with Angular and back-end integration with Node.js. The book also covers real-time data updates using NATS Streaming, automated testing techniques, and the integration of additional services like comments.

 By the end of the book, you can confidently build full-stack applications using the MEAN stack.

What you will learn

  • Install and configure the necessary components for building web applications.
  • Master frontend development using Angular, including component creation and data binding.
  • Discover the power of Node.js and its integration with Angular for efficient backend development.
  • Explore the integration of the Comments service and understand the concepts of subdocuments and references.
  • Test the integration of the Posts and Comments service, ensuring smooth communication between the two components.

Who this book is for

 Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced developer, this book caters to both audiences, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge.

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SQL and NoSQL Interview Questions - Vishwanathan Narayanan


 In every software-based job interview, database systems will undoubtedly be a topic of discussion. It has become customary to ask at least a few database-related questions. As NoSQL technologies continue to gain popularity, asking about their functionality and practical applications during interviews is becoming more commonplace.

 This book focuses on these two areas, aiming to familiarize you with the types of questions you may encounter in interviews and providing guidance on preparing and strategizing accordingly. This book thoroughly explores the NoSQL family, covering everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics such as architecture, optimization, and practical use cases. It also includes a selection of frequently asked questions from a query perspective. Moreover, this book is designed to assist you in last-minute revisions. This book also tackles a common interview challenge of effectively communicating complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, even if you have a strong understanding of the subject matter.

 By the end of the book, you will be well-equipped to handle interviews and confidently answer queries related to both, database systems and NoSQL.

What you will learn

  • Get an in-depth understanding of Relational Databases.
  • Understand the differences between Relational databases and NoSQL databases.
  • Explore the architecture for each type of NoSQL database.
  • Get insights into the application areas of each type of NoSQL database.
  • Understand the paradigm shift in designing NoSQL schema and queries.

Who this book is for

 This book is for current and aspiring emerging tech professionals, students, and anyone who wishes to have a rewarding career in emerging technologies such as Relational database and NoSQL.

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MongoDB for Jobseekers - Justin Jenkins


 MongoDB for Jobseekers serves as the ultimate companion, providing assistance and support throughout your entire MongoDB learning journey. Whether you are an experienced professional exploring new career paths or an aspiring jobseeker looking to enhance your opportunities, this comprehensive guide is specifically designed to cater to your needs.

 From the basics to advanced concepts, MongoDB for Jobseekers offers a well-structured approach to understanding the intricacies of this powerful NoSQL database. The book then delves into subjects like schema modeling, querying, indexing, and scalability, and discovers the reasons behind MongoDB's widespread popularity. Through clear and practical examples, the book will swiftly help you grasp the fundamental concepts and techniques required to work with MongoDB in real-life scenarios. This extensive guide will not only help establish a strong foundation in MongoDB but also unlock numerous job opportunities.

 Upon completing this book, you will acquire the necessary confidence and expertise to excel in your job search and embark on a rewarding career path.

What you will learn

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of MongoDB's architecture and data model.
  • Learn to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in MongoDB.
  • Understand indexing strategies for optimizing query performance.
  • Discover MongoDB's aggregation framework for complex data analysis.
  • Learn about MongoDB's high availability and scalability features.
  • Explore integration with programming languages and frameworks.

Who this book is for

 Whether you are a novice starting from scratch or a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your database skills, this book is for individuals who aspire to learn about MongoDB, the contemporary "NoSQL" database.

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PostgreSQL for Jobseekers - David Gonzalez, Sonia Valeja


 PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used in the industry. If you are seeking to acquire knowledge about PostgreSQL, this book is for you.

 This comprehensive book provides you with a solid foundation in working with PostgreSQL, a popular open-source database management system. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, allowing you to successfully install and configure PostgreSQL across various platforms and methods. By delving into the internal components that constitute a PostgreSQL service and their interplay, you will gain a deep understanding of how these elements collaborate to deliver a robust and dependable solution. From comprehending the process model and shared memory to mastering query execution and optimization, you will acquire comprehensive knowledge of PostgreSQL's internal workings. Furthermore, the book explores essential tasks performed by a database administrator (DBA), including backup and restore operations, security measures, performance tuning, and troubleshooting techniques. Lastly, it explores widely used extensions and compatible tools that can enhance the functionality of PostgreSQL.

 Upon completing this book, you will have developed a comprehensive understanding of the internal components that comprise a PostgreSQL service and their collaborative dynamics, resulting in a reliable and robust solution.

What you will learn

  • Gain proficiency in installing and preparing PostgreSQL for various methods and platforms.
  • Develop a solid understanding of the internal components of a PostgreSQL service and their collaborative dynamics to deliver a comprehensive solution.
  • Acquire knowledge about essential tasks performed by PostgreSQL DBAs, including backup/restore operations, security measures, tuning, and troubleshooting.
  • Explore popular extensions and compatible tools that can expand and enhance the capabilities of PostgreSQL.
  • Discover the PostgreSQL Community and learn how to actively contribute to the project's development and growth.

Who this book is for

 This book is highly recommended for Entry Level Database Administrators, as it provides a suitable starting point for their journey. It assumes some prior knowledge of Database Management Systems (DBMS) to ensure a smooth learning experience. Additionally, senior or experienced developers will find value in this book, particularly in gaining insights into the latest features incorporated in the most recent version of the DB, enhancing their understanding and proficiency in its use.

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Mastering SQL - Sufyan bin Uzayr


Mastering SQL helps readers gain a firm understanding of the Structured Query Language.

Structured Query Language, more often known as SQL, is the de facto standard language for working with databases. It is a specialized language for handling data-related tasks like creating a database, putting information into tables, modifying and extracting that information, and much more. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL light, etc. are only a few examples of SQL implementations.

SQL is a fast and efficient database system. SQL allows for the rapid and efficient retrieval of huge numbers of data entries from a database. It’s a relational database. Thus, data is described in a more orderly fashion than in an unstructured database like MongoDB. Insertions, deletions, inquiries, manipulations, and computations of data through analytical queries in a relational database may all be performed in a matter of seconds.

With Mastering SQL, learning SQL becomes straightforward; using this book and resource will undoubtedly help readers advance their careers.

The Mastering Computer Science series is edited by Sufyan bin Uzayr, a writer and educator with over a decade of experience in the computing field.

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