
Practical Java Programming with ChatGPT

Practical Java Programming with ChatGPT - Alan Stuart Bluck


 Embark on a Fascinating Journey into AI-Powered Software Development with ChatGPT. This transformative book challenges the conventional speed of software development by showcasing a diverse array of inquiries directed at cutting-edge AI tools, including Ask AI, ChatGPT 3.5, Perplexity AI, Microsoft Bing Chatbot based on ChatGPT 4.0, and the Phed mobile app.

 Diving deep into the integration of Java and ChatGPT, this book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of their synergy in programming. Each carefully crafted question serves as a testament to ChatGPT's exceptional ability to swiftly generate Java programs.

 The resulting code undergoes rigorous validation using the latest open-source Eclipse IDE and the Java language, empowering readers to craft efficient code in a fraction of the usual time. The journey doesn't end there—this book looks ahead to the promising future of ChatGPT, unveiling exciting potential enhancements planned by OpenAI. These innovations are poised to usher in even more formidable AI-driven capabilities for software development.

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Learn Java 17 Programming. 2 Ed

Learn Java 17 Programming. 2 Ed - Nick Samoylov


 Learn the fundamentals of Java Programming with this updated guide with the latest features

What is this book about?

 Java is one of the most preferred languages among developers. It is used in everything right from smartphones and game consoles to even supercomputers, and its new features simply add to the richness of the language.

This book covers the following exciting features:

  • Understand and apply object-oriented principles in Java
  • Explore Java design patterns and best practices to solve everyday problems
  • Build user-friendly and attractive GUIs with ease
  • Understand the usage of microservices with the help of practical examples
  • Discover techniques and idioms for writing high-quality Java code
  • Get to grips with the usage of data structures in Java

 If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!

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Микросервисы. Паттерны разработки и рефакторинга

Микросервисы. Паттерны разработки и рефакторинга - Крис Ричардсон


 Если вам давно кажется, что вся разработка и развертывание в вашей компании донельзя замедлились – переходите на микросервисную архитектуру. Она обеспечивает непрерывную разработку, доставку и развертывание приложений любой сложности.

 Книга, предназначенная для разработчиков и архитекторов из больших корпораций, рассказывает, как проектировать и писать приложения в духе микросервисной архитектуры. Также в ней описано, как делается рефакторинг крупного приложения – и монолит превращается в набор микросервисов.

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Android Studio Giraffe Essentials. Java Edition

Android Studio Giraffe Essentials. Java Edition - Neil Smyth


 Fully updated for Android Studio Giraffe and the new UI, this book aims to teach you how to develop Android-based applications using the Java programming language.

 This book begins with the basics and outlines how to set up an Android development and testing environment, followed by an overview of areas such as tool windows, the code editor, and the Layout Editor tool. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.

 Chapters also cover the Android Architecture Components, including view models, lifecycle management, Room database access, the Database Inspector, app navigation, live data, and data binding.

 More advanced topics such as intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, and the recording and playback of audio. This book edition also covers printing, transitions, and foldable device support.

 The concepts of material design are also covered in detail, including the use of floating action buttons, Snackbars, tabbed interfaces, card views, navigation drawers, and collapsing toolbars.

 Other key features of Android Studio and Android are also covered in detail, including the Layout Editor, the ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet classes, MotionLayout Editor, view binding, constraint chains, barriers, and direct reply notifications.

 Chapters also cover advanced features of Android Studio, such as App Links, Gradle build configuration, in-app billing, and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.

 Assuming you already have some Java programming experience, are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK, have access to a Windows, Mac, or Linux system, and have ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.

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Android Studio Flamingo Essentials. Java Edition

Android Studio Flamingo Essentials. Java Edition - Neil Smyth


 Fully updated for Android Studio Flamingo, this book aims to teach you how to develop Android-based applications using the Java programming language.

 This book begins with the basics and outlines how to set up an Android development and testing environment, followed by an overview of areas such as tool windows, the code editor, and the Layout Editor tool. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.

 Chapters are also included covering the Android Architecture Components, including view models, lifecycle management, Room database access, the Database Inspector, app navigation, live data, and data binding.

 More advanced topics such as intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, and the recording and playback of audio. This book edition also covers printing, transitions, and foldable device support.

 The concepts of material design are also covered in detail, including the use of floating action buttons, Snackbars, tabbed interfaces, card views, navigation drawers, and collapsing toolbars.

 Other key features of Android Studio and Android are also covered in detail, including the Layout Editor, the ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet classes, MotionLayout Editor, view binding, constraint chains, barriers, and direct reply notifications.

 Chapters also cover advanced features of Android Studio, such as App Links, Dynamic Delivery, Gradle build configuration, in-app billing, and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.

 Assuming you already have some Java programming experience, are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK, have access to a Windows, Mac, or Linux system, and have ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.

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Web Development Toolkit for Java Developers

Web Development Toolkit for Java Developers - Dr. Atul Patel, Dr. Dharmendra Patel, Dr. Nirali Dabhi


 Java is a popular language for developing web applications due to its stability, scalability, and robustness.

 This comprehensive guide will teach you how to develop web apps using Java. The book will help you learn how to establish a JDBC Connection in Java, develop Model-View-Controller (MVC) apps using JSP and servlets without a framework, and understand the application and use of JavaServer Faces (JSF) over JSP to effectively develop web apps. Additionally, the book will help you gain a thorough understanding of different types of frameworks and explore the Spring framework in-depth. It will also teach you how to leverage the power of Spring to simplify and streamline your web development projects. Lastly, the book will help you get familiar with the concept of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and learn how to apply AOP in your Java web development projects.

 By the end of the book, you will be able to build professional-quality web applications using Java.

 What you will learn


  • Learn how to create web apps using Java Servlets.
  • Explore advanced features that can be managed using servlets.
  • Get familiar with the MVC Architecture in Java.
  • Build component-based and event-oriented web interfaces using Java Server Faces (JSF).
  • Learn how to work with web services SOAP and RESTful API.

Who this book is for

 This book is for beginners who are looking to build web apps using Java. It is also for students pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Applications or Information Technology. Having a basic understanding of core Java, HTML, and relational databases will be an added advantage.

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A Functional Approach to Java

A Functional Approach to Java - Ben Weidig


 Java developers usually tackle the complexity of software development through object-oriented programming (OOP). But not every problem is a good match for OOP. The functional programming (FP) paradigm offers you another approach to solving problems, and Java provides easy-to-grasp FP tools such as lambda expressions and Streams. If you're interested in applying FP concepts to your Java code, this book is for you.

 Author Ben Weidig highlights different aspects of functional programming and shows you how to incorporate them into your code without going "fully functional." You'll learn how, when, and why to use FP concepts such as immutability and pure functions to write more concise, reasonable, and future-proof code. Many developers seek to expand their horizons by using OOP and FP together. It's no longer either-or; it's both.

In this book, you will:

  • Get a high-level overview of functional programming, including the types already available to Java developers
  • Explore different FP concepts and learn how to use them
  • Learn how to augment your code and use Java's new functional features in your daily work without going fully functional
  • Develop a functional mindset and improve your programming skills regardless of language or paradigm
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Getting Started With Java Using Eclipse

Getting Started With Java Using Eclipse - Bernhard Steppan


 В первой части книги вы получите базовые знания по Java и Eclipse. В этой части закладываются основы программирования, дается обзор технологии Java и показывается, что особенного в объектно-ориентированном программировании.

 Во второй части все вращается вокруг тонкостей языка Java, и именно здесь создаются первые небольшие Java-приложения, которым помогает тонкое сочетание части знаний и практических упражнений.

 Технология Java - это и название, и основное направление третьей части, которая также знакомит с правилами, которые необходимо соблюдать при программировании, с тем, что такое библиотеки классов и какими преимуществами они обладают.

 Четвертая часть позволяет применить все предыдущие элементы в приложении с графическим интерфейсом пользователя.

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Pro Spring 6. 6 Ed

Pro Spring 6. 6 Ed - Chris Schaefer, Clarence Ho, Iuliana Cosmina, Rob Harrop


 Master the fundamentals of Spring Framework 6 while learning from the real-world experiences of Spring experts. Over the course of this book, you'll learn how to leverage Spring 6 in tandem with the Kotlin programming language to build complex enterprise applications from top to bottom. From monoliths to cloud native apps for streaming microservices, you’ll gain insight into every aspect of the process, including transactions, data access, persistence, and web and presentation tiers.

 As you progress through the book, the authors demonstrate how to run Kotlin with a single command, deploy new utility methods in String class, use Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters Nested Based Access Control, read/write strings to and from files, and using Flight Recorder. Also, a whole new generation of dependencies are available, and you’ll see exactly how to make optimal use of them. A full sample application will show you how to apply Spring 6’s new tools and techniques and see how they work together.

 After reading this comprehensive book, you'll be ready to build your own Spring applications using Kotlin.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore what's new in Spring Framework 6 and the Kotlin APIs it supports
  • Leverage a new generation of dependencies
  • Build complex enterprise monoliths, cloud-native applications, and microservices
  • Master data access, persistence, and transactions
  • Use with Spring Batch, Integration, and other key Spring modules
  • Integrate Spring 6 with Hibernate and other third party APIs and packages

Who This Book Is For

 Experienced Kotlin and Java software developers and programmers. Some previous experience with Spring is highly recommended.

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Persistence Best Practices for Java Applications

Persistence Best Practices for Java Applications - Karina Varela, Otavio Santana


 Having a solid software architecture breathes life into tech solutions. In the early stages of an application’s development, critical decisions need to be made, such as whether to go for microservices, a monolithic architecture, the event-driven approach, or containerization. In Java contexts, frameworks and runtimes also need to be defi ned. But one aspect is often overlooked – the persistence layer – which plays a vital role similar to that of data stores in modern cloud-native solutions. To optimize applications and data stores, a holistic understanding of best practices, technologies, and existing approaches is crucial.

 This book presents well-established patterns and standards that can be used in Java solutions, with valuable insights into the pros and cons of trending technologies and frameworks used in cloud-native microservices, alongside good Java coding practices. As you progress, you’ll confront the challenges of cloud adoption head-on, particularly those tied to the growing need for cost reduction through stack modernization. Within these pages, you’ll discover application modernization strategies and learn how enterprise data integration patterns and event-driven architectures enable smooth modernization processes with low-to-zero impact on the existing legacy stack.

What you will learn

  • Gain insights into data integration in Java services and the inner workings of frameworks
  • Apply data design patterns to create a more readable and maintainable design system
  • Understand the impact of design patterns on program performance
  • Explore the role of cloud-native technologies in modern application persistence
  • Optimize database schema designs and leverage indexing strategies for improved performance
  • Implement proven strategies to handle data storage, retrieval, and management efficiently

Who this book is for

 If you’re a developer, engineer, or software architect working in the field of software development, particularly with a focus on Java solutions, this book is for you.

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Quick Java

Quick Java - David Matuszek


 Unfortunately, you’re a C++ programmer, or maybe a Python programmer. How are you going to get up to speed in a hurry? There are lots of Java books for beginners, telling you all about what a computer is and how it represents everything in bits. You don’t need that. At the other extreme, there are thousand-page tomes that you aren’t going to get through in a few days, if ever. You need something in-between.

 This book is intended to fill that gap. It’s written for the programmer who doesn’t need to be taught how to program, just how to do it in Java―and who needs to get started in a hurry.

 Java is covered from the inside out. First, all the things that go inside a class, most of which are practically identical to C++. After that, all the various and complicated kinds of classes and interfaces and how they relate to each other in large-scale programs.

 Testing is essential, so (unlike most Java books) JUnit is covered in detail. Then, in case you need to go in that direction, some functional programming, a little about parallel programming, and more than enough to get you started in building GUIs (graphical user interfaces) and doing animation.

 There’s a lot in this little book and, despite my best efforts, you won’t learn Java in a weekend. But it should be a good start.


  • Circular approach allows very fast entry into Java
  • Full description of JUnit testing
  • Summary of functional programming in Java
  • Introduction to synchronization and parallel processing
  • Extensive description of building GUIs
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Learning Java. 6 Ed

Learning Java. 6 Ed - Dan Leuck, Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer


Ideal for working programmers new to Java, this best-selling book guides you through the language features and APIs of Java 21. Through fun, compelling, and realistic examples, authors Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, and Dan Leuck introduce you to Java's fundamentals, including its class libraries, programming techniques, and idioms, with an eye toward building real applications.

This updated sixth edition expands the content to continue covering lambdas and streams, and shows you how to use a functional paradigm in Java. You'll learn about the latest Java features introduced since the book's fifth edition, from JDK 15 through 21. You'll also take a deep dive into virtual threads (introduced as Project Loom in Java 19).

This guide helps you:

  • Learn the structure of the Java language and Java applications
  • Write, compile, and execute Java applications
  • Understand the basics of Java threading and concurrent programming
  • Learn Java I/O basics, including local files and network resources
  • Create compelling interfaces with an eye toward usability
  • Learn how functional features have been integrated in Java
  • Keep up with Java developments as new versions are released
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Java. Руководство для начинающих. 9 изд

Java. Руководство для начинающих. 9 изд - Герберт Шилдт


 Практическое введение в программирование на языке Java, полностью переработанное с учетом версии Java SE 17

 В этой книге, которая полностью обновлена с учетом Java Platform Standard Edition 17, начиная с самой первой главы, шаг за шагом показано, как приступить к программированию на языке Java. Книга, написанная ведущим специалистом по Java Гербертом Шилдтом, начинается с основ, таких как создание, компиляция и запуск программ на Java. Затем объясняются основные ключевые слова, синтаксис и команды языка Java. В книге раскрыты основы и кратко описаны расширенные функциональные средства, в числе которых многопоточное программирование, обобщения, лямбда-выражения и Swing. Вдобавок приводится четкое объяснение перечислений, модулей и методов интерфейса. В этом руководстве предлагается эффективное сочетание теории и практики написания кода, которое позволит быстро приступить к разработке приложений на языке Java!

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DevOps Tools for Java Developers

DevOps Tools for Java Developers - Baruch Sadogursky, Ixchel Ruiz, Melissa McKay, Stephen Chin


With the rise of DevOps, low-cost cloud computing, and container technologies, the way Java developers approach development today has changed dramatically. This practical guide helps you take advantage of microservices, serverless, and cloud native technologies using the latest DevOps techniques to simplify your build process and create hyperproductive teams.

Stephen Chin, Melissa McKay, Ixchel Ruiz, and Baruch Sadogursky from JFrog help you evaluate an array of options. The list includes source control with Git, build declaration with Maven and Gradle, CI/CD with CircleCI, package management with Artifactory, containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, and much more. Whether you're building applications with Jakarta EE, Spring Boot, Dropwizard, MicroProfile, Micronaut, or Quarkus, this comprehensive guide has you covered.

  • Explore software lifecycle best practices
  • Use DevSecOps methodologies to facilitate software development and delivery
  • Understand the business value of DevSecOps best practices
  • Manage and secure software dependencies
  • Develop and deploy applications using containers and cloud native technologies
  • Manage and administrate source control repositories and development processes
  • Use automation to set up and administer build pipelines
  • Identify common deployment patterns and antipatterns
  • Maintain and monitor software after deployment
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Introducing Spring Framework 6. 2Ed

Introducing Spring Framework 6. 2Ed - Felipe Gutierrez, Joseph B. Ottinger


 Spring Framework 6 remains - by far - the leading de-facto "out of the box" practical Java meta application development framework for building complex enterprise, cloud-native applications as well as web applications and microservices. Introducing Spring Framework 6 is your hands-on tutorial guide for learning the Spring Framework 6 from top to bottom, and allows you to build an example application along the way from the ground-up.
 As you learn the Spring Framework over the course of this book, you’ll incrementally build your first Spring application piece-by-piece as you learn each module, project or component of the Spring Framework and its extensions and ecosystem.  As you learn the various fundamentals, you'll then apply them immediately to your Spring application.  This Spring application, My Documents, enables you to learn by doing.  
 After reading this book, you will have the essentials you should need to start using the Spring Framework and building your own Java-based applications or microservices with it.

What you'll learn:

  • Get started with Spring Framework 6 by VMWare Tanzu and the Spring community
  • Build your first My Documents application using Spring Framework and its extensions
  • Test your Spring application
  • Add persistence to your application using Spring Data JPA and more
  • Show your Spring application on the Web with Spring MVC and related
  • Use REST APIs to enhance your application and add messaging with Kafka and AMQP
  • Integrate your Spring application with external systems using Spring Integration toolkit

Who is this book for:

This book is for those aspiring software developers and programmers who are new to Spring.  Some prior programming experience recommended, preferably in Java.

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Java Design Patterns. 3 Ed

Java Design Patterns. 3 Ed - Vaskaran Sarcar


 Use the step-by-step approach of this book to learn and implement design patterns in real-world applications. It focuses on classical design patterns with Java 17 and Eclipse (2021-09). In addition to Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, the book covers popular and alternative design patterns and includes criticisms of design patterns in a chapter on anti-patterns.

 The book is divided into four parts. Part one covers the SOLID design principles and the Simple Factory pattern. Part two covers the 23 (GoF) design patterns, including the creational patterns, structural patterns, and behavioral patterns. Part three covers alternative design patterns, including the Null Object pattern, and the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Part four covers criticisms of design patterns with a quick overview of anti-patterns. It also includes a chapter on FAQs on design patterns.

 The book also includes a chapter on FAQs on design patterns. Each pattern is explained with real-world examples and the pros and cons of each of the design patterns are discussed. The book concludes with FAQs that can help you prepare for a job interview.

What You Will Learn

  • Know the SOLID design principles in depth
  • Implement the 23 design patterns from the GoF

Apply the Null Object pattern, Simple Factory pattern, and the MVC pattern

  • Know the criticism of design patterns
  • Understand the anti-patterns
  • Verify your understanding through Q&A sessions
  • Select an alternative to these patterns by comparing their pros and cons

Who This Book Is For

Software developers, architects, and programmers

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Java Memory Management

Java Memory Management - Maaike van Putten, Seán Kennedy


 Understanding how Java organizes memory is important for every Java professional, but this particular topic is a common knowledge gap for many software professionals. Having in-depth knowledge of memory functioning and management is incredibly useful in writing and analyzing code, as well as debugging memory problems. In fact, it can be just the knowledge you need to level up your skills and career.

 In this book, you'll start by working through the basics of Java memory. After that, you'll dive into the different segments individually. You'll explore the stack, the heap, and the Metaspace. Next, you'll be ready to delve into JVM standard garbage collectors. The book will also show you how to tune, monitor and profile JVM memory management. Later chapters will guide you on how to avoid and spot memory leaks.

 By the end of this book, you'll have understood how Java manages memory and how to customize it for the benefit of your applications.

What you will learn

  • Understand the schematics of debugging and how to design the application to perform well
  • Discover how garbage collectors work
  • Distinguish between various garbage collector implementations
  • Identify the metrics required for analyzing application performance
  • Configure and monitor JVM memory management
  • Identify and solve memory leaks

Who this book is for

This book is for all levels of Java professionals, regardless of whether you're a junior or senior developer, a DevOps engineer, a tester, or the system admin of a Java application. If you currently don't have in-depth knowledge of Java memory, garbage collection, and/or JVM tuning, then this book will help you to take your Java skills to the next level.

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OpenCV и Java. Обработка изображений и компьютерное зрение

OpenCV и Java. Обработка изображений и компьютерное зрение - Николай Анатольевич Прохоренок


 Книга знакомит с современными технологиями компьютерного зрения, позволяющими машинам, роботам, веб-камерам и другим устройствам распознавать изображения. Приведено описание библиотеки компьютерного зрения OpenCV применительно к языку программирования Java. Объясняется, как загружать и сохранять изображения в различных форматах, захватывать кадры с веб-камеры в режиме реального времени, выполнять обработку, трансформацию и сегментацию изображения, применять к изображению фильтры. На практических примерах рассмотрены алгоритмы компьютерного зрения, предназначенные для обнаружения, классификации и отслеживания объектов, выделения границ и контуров объектов, поиска объектов по шаблону, особым точкам, цвету или обученному классификатору.

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97 вещей, о которых должен знать каждый Jаvа-программист

97 вещей, о которых должен знать каждый Jаvа-программист - Кевлин Хенни, Триша Джи


 Все, что вам нужно – это Java!

 Что должен знать каждый Java-программист? Ответов на этот вопрос может быть очень много. Авторы этой книги собрали мнения нескольких десятков опытных разработчиков на Java, чтобы создать единое руководство для тех, кто только начинает свой путь в программировании.

 Внутри вы найдете подробные инструкции по основным темам, касающимся работы с Java:

  • функциональность Java Virtual Machine;
  • методы тестирования кода;
  • набор инструментов Java Development Kit;
  • особенности языка;
  • архитектура программного обеспечения.

 И еще – советы от экспертов и их истории профессионального развития в программировании на Java!

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Java, устранение проблем

Java, устранение проблем - Лауренциу Спилкэ


 В этой книге представлены практические методики исследования и улучшения незнакомого кода. Вы узнаете о том, как определять скрытые зависимости, выявлять главные причины критических сбоев и аварийных завершений приложений, а также интерпретировать неожиданные результаты. Осваивайте профилирование и отладку и начинайте исследовать, как в действительности работают Java-приложения.
 Издание подойдет для Java-разработчиков средней квалификации.

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Core Java for the Impatient. 3 Ed

Core Java for the Impatient. 3 Ed - Horstmann Cay S.


 Clear, Concise Guide to the Core Language and Libraries--Updated through Java 17

 Modern Java introduces major enhancements that impact the core Java technologies and APIs at the heart of the Java platform. Many old Java idioms are no longer needed, and new features and programming paradigms can make you far more effective. However, navigating these changes can be challenging.

 Core Java for the Impatient, Third Edition, is a complete yet concise guide that reflects all changes through Java SE 17, Oracle's latest Long-Term Support (LTS) release. Written by Cay S. Horstmann--author of the classic two-volume Core Java--this indispensable tutorial offers a faster, easier pathway for learning modern Java.

 Horstmann covers everything working developers need to know, including the powerful concepts of lambda expressions and streams, modern constructs such as records and sealed classes, and sophisticated concurrent programming techniques. Given the size and scope of Java 17, there's plenty to cover, but it's presented in small chunks organized for quick access and easy understanding, with plenty of practical insights and sample code to help you quickly apply all that's new.

  • Test code as you create it with JShell
  • Improve your object-oriented design with records and sealed classes
  • Effectively use text blocks, switch expressions, and pattern matching
  • Understand functional programming with lambda expressions
  • Streamline and optimize data management with the Streams API
  • Use modern library features and threadsafe data structures to implement concurrency reliably
  • Work with the modularized Java API and third-party modules
  • Take advantage of API improvements for working with collections, input/output, regular expressions, and processes
  • Learn the APIs for date/time processing and internationalization

 Whether you're an experienced developer just getting started with modern Java, or have been programming with Java for years, this guide will help you write more robust, efficient, and secure Java code.

  Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

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Java Interview Questions and Answers

Java Interview Questions and Answers - Pratik Bandal


Java Interview Questions and Answers is extremely useful for beginners and professionals who are preparing for interview of Java. This book covers interview questions of Java which is an all-time favourite programming language of the world. The book will prepare you for interview as well as refining your knowledge of Java and will make you ready for working in industry.

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Quantum Computing in Action (Examples in Java)

Quantum Computing in Action (Examples in Java) - Johan Vos


 Quantum computing is on the horizon and you can get started today! This practical, clear-spoken guide shows you don’t need a physics degree to write your first quantum software.

In Quantum Computing in Action you will learn:


  • An introduction to the core concepts of quantum computing
  • Qubits and quantum gates
  • Superposition, entanglement, and hybrid computing
  • Quantum algorithms including Shor’s, Deutsch-jozsa, and Grover’s search

 Quantum Computing in Action shows you how to leverage your existing Java skills into writing your first quantum software, so you’re ready for the quantum revolution. This book is focused on practical implementations of quantum computing algorithms—there’s no deep math or confusing theory. Using Strange, a Java-based quantum computer simulator, you’ll go hands-on with quantum computing’s core components including qubits and quantum gates.

 Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the technology

 Quantum computing promises unimaginably fast performance for tasks like encryption, scientific modeling, manufacturing logistics, financial modeling, and AI. Developers can explore quantum computing now using free simulators, and increasingly powerful true quantum systems are gradually becoming available for production use. This book gives you a head start on quantum computing by introducing core concepts, key algorithms, and the most beneficial use cases.

About the book

 Quantum Computing in Action is a gentle introduction to the ideas and applications of quantum computing. After briefly reviewing the science that makes quantum tick, it guides you through practical implementations of quantum computing algorithms. You’ll write your first quantum code and explore qubits and quantum gates with the Java-based Strange quantum simulator. You’ll enjoy the interesting examples and insightful explanations as you create quantum algorithms using standard Java and your favorite IDE and build tools.

What's inside

  • An introduction to the core concepts of quantum computing
  • Qubits and quantum gates
  • Superposition, entanglement, and hybrid computing
  • Quantum algorithms including Shor’s, Deutsch-jozsa, and Grover’s search

About the reader

 For Java developers. No advanced math knowledge required.

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Modern Java in Action

Modern Java in Action - Alan Mycroft, Mario Fusco, Raoul-Gabriel Urma


 Manning's bestselling Java 8 book has been revised for Java 9! In Modern Java in Action, you'll build on your existing Java language skills with the newest features and techniques.

 Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

 Modern applications take advantage of innovative designs, including microservices, reactive architectures, and streaming data. Modern Java features like lambdas, streams, and the long-awaited Java Module System make implementing these designs significantly easier. It's time to upgrade your skills and meet these challenges head on!

About the Book

 Modern Java in Action connects new features of the Java language with their practical applications. Using crystal-clear examples and careful attention to detail, this book respects your time. It will help you expand your existing knowledge of core Java as you master modern additions like the Streams API and the Java Module System, explore new approaches to concurrency, and learn how functional concepts can help you write code that's easier to read and maintain.

What's inside

  • Thoroughly revised edition of Manning's bestselling Java 8 in Action
  • New features in Java 8, Java 9, and beyond
  • Streaming data and reactive programming
  • The Java Module System

About the Reader

 Written for developers familiar with core Java features.

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