
Learning GitHub Actions

Learning GitHub Actions - Brent Laster


 Automate your software development processes with GitHub Actions, the continuous integration and continuous delivery platform that integrates seamlessly with GitHub. With this practical book, open source author, trainer, and DevOps director Brent Laster explains everything you need to know about using and getting value from GitHub Actions. You'll learn what actions and workflows are and how they can be used, created, and incorporated into your processes to simplify, standardize, and automate your work in GitHub.

 This book explains the platform, components, use cases, implementation, and integration points of actions, so you can leverage them to provide the functionality and features needed in today's complex pipelines and software development processes. You'll learn how to design and implement automated workflows that respond to common events like pushes, pull requests, and review updates. You'll understand how to use the components of the GitHub Actions platform to gain maximum automation and benefit.

With this book, you will:

  • Learn what GitHub Actions are, the various use cases for them, and how to incorporate them into your processes
  • Understand GitHub Actions' structure, syntax, and semantics
  • Automate processes and implement functionality
  • Create your own custom actions with Docker, JavaScript, or shell approaches
  • Troubleshoot and debug workflows that use actions
  • Combine actions with GitHub APIs and other integration options
  • Identify ways to securely implement workflows with GitHub Actions
  • Understand how GitHub Actions compares to other options
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Git Essentials: Developer’s Guide to Git

Git Essentials: Developer’s Guide to Git - François Dupire


Stop contacting Google every time you need to commit code, create a functional branch, or mark a release. With this book, you will not just memorize the commands, but actually master Git. Learning and understanding teams will help you become a more productive member of your team.

This book does not involve prior experience with Git, it is applicable to any operating system and works with any source files that can be versioned. It covers almost everything you need to know, from the reasons why version control systems are considered fundamental tools, the basics of working with Git to advanced operations and best practices.

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Git Repository Management in 30 Days

Git Repository Management in 30 Days - Sumit Jaiswal


 Git is a popular open-source version control system that allows developers to efficiently track changes to their codebase and collaborate with others on software projects. If you want to gain a solid understanding of Git and its capabilities, then this book is for you.

 "Git Repository Management in 30 Days" is a step-by-step guide for developers looking to master the art of Git repository management. This book covers everything from the fundamentals of Git to advanced subjects like branching, merging, rebasing, and dispute resolutionThe book will help you learn how to establish, manage, and collaborate on Git repositories. Besides this, it will also teach you how to use Git commands, tools, and workflows to increase code quality and streamline your development process.

 On completing the book, you will be able to manage your Git code repositories effectively.

What you will learn

  • Get familiar with Git and version control fundamentals.
  • Explore the most commonly used Git commands.
  • Learn how to understand and solve conflicts in Git.
  • Learn how to manage complex code bases with Git.
  • Integrate Git with various platforms and development tools.

Who this book is for

 This book is for current and aspiring emerging tech professionals, students, and anyone who wants to understand and work with Git and GitHub. It is also for experienced tech professionals who want to manage their code efficiently.

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GitOps Cookbook. Kubernetes Automation in Practice

GitOps Cookbook. Kubernetes Automation in Practice - Alex Soto Bueno, Natale Vinto


Why are so many companies adopting GitOps for their DevOps and cloud native strategy? This reliable framework is quickly becoming the standard method for deploying apps to Kubernetes. With this practical, developer-oriented book, DevOps engineers, developers, IT architects, and SREs will learn the most useful recipes and examples for following GitOps practices.

Through their years of experience in application modernization, CI/CD, and automation, authors Alex Soto Bueno and Natale Vinto from Red Hat walk you through all the steps necessary for successful hands-on application development and deployment with GitOps. Once you start using the recipes in this book, you'll have a head start in development cycles on Kubernetes following the GitOps approach.

You'll learn how to:

  • Develop and deploy applications on Kubernetes
  • Understand the basics of CI/CD and automation on Kubernetes, and apply GitOps practices to
  • implement development cycles on the platform
  • Prepare the app for deployment on multiple environments and/or multiple Kubernetes clusters
  • Deploy apps for either multiple environments using GitOps and Argo CD, or for Kubernetes clusters
  • Create Kubernetes-native pipelines with Tekton
  • Provide and extend DevOps skills for the team working on Kubernetes
  • Use progressive delivery to put your applications into production
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Version Control with Git. 3 Ed

Version Control with Git. 3 Ed - Jon Loeliger, Prem Kumar Ponuthorai


 Track, branch, merge, and manage code revisions with Git, the free and open source distributed version control system. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide quickly takes you from Git fundamentals to advanced techniques, and provides friendly yet rigorous advice for navigating Git's many functions. You'll learn how to work with everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

 In this third edition, authors Prem Kumar Ponuthorai and Jon Loeliger break down Git concepts using a modular approach. You'll start with the basics and fundamental philosophy of Git, followed by intermediate commands to help you efficiently supplement your daily development workflow. Finally, you'll learn advanced Git commands and concepts to understand how Git works under the hood.

  • Learn how to use Git for real-world development scenarios
  • Gain insight into Git's common use cases, initial tasks, and basic functions
  • Use the system for distributed version control
  • Learn how to manage merges, conflicts, patches, and diffs
  • Apply advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodules
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Pro Git. 2 изд

Pro Git. 2 изд - Бен Штрауб, Скотт Чакон


Разработчику часто требуется много сторонних инструментов, чтобы создавать и поддерживать проект. Система Git — один из таких инструментов и используется для контроля промежуточных версий вашего приложения, позволяя вам исправлять ошибки, откатывать к старой версии, разрабатывать проект в команде и сливать его потом. В книге вы узнаете об основах работы с Git: установка, ключевые команды, gitHub и многое другое.

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Git. Практическое руководство

Git. Практическое руководство - Леонид Фишерман


 Git в настоящее время нужен практически всем программистам, которые занимаются разработкой программного обеспечения. Git - это система управления версиями, с помощью которой вы сможете вести и контролировать разработку нескольких версий одного приложения, осуществлять совместную разработку одного приложения несколькими разработчиками.

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Learning Git: A Hands-On and Visual Guide to the Basics of Git

Learning Git: A Hands-On and Visual Guide to the Basics of Git - Anna Skoulikari


This book is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of how Git works. It is especially designed for individuals that are just getting started learning technical skills, or that work in nontechnical roles but need to use Git to collaborate with their technical counterparts. Some examples of individuals that may benefit from this book include (but are not limited to) coding bootcamp students, computer science students, technical writers, product managers, designers, junior developers, data scientists, and self-taught programmers.

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GitHub For Dummies

GitHub For Dummies - Phil Haack, Sarah Guthals


 Once you’ve learned the basics of coding the next step is to start sharing your expertise, learning from other coding pros, or working as a collaborative member of development teams. GitHub is the go-to community for facilitating coding collaboration, and GitHub For Dummies is the next step on your journey as a developer.

 Written by a GitHub engineer, this book is packed with insight on how GitHub works and how you can use it to become a more effective, efficient, and valuable member of any collaborative programming team.

  • Store and share your work online with GitHub
  • Collaborate with others on your team or across the international coding community
  • Embrace open-source values and processes
  • Establish yourself as a valuable member of the GitHub community

 From setting up GitHub on your desktop and launching your first project to cloning repositories, finding useful apps on the marketplace, and improving workflow, GitHub For Dummies covers the essentials the novice programmer needs to enhance collaboration and teamwork with this industry-standard tool.

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Git для профессионального программиста

Git для профессионального программиста - Бен Штрауб, Скотт Чакон


Перед вами второе издание книги. Первая версия увидела свет четыре года назад.
Многое изменилось с того времени, хотя наиболее важные вещи остались незыблемыми. Большинство ключевых команд и концепций до сих пор применимы, ведь Git-разработчики прилагают массу усилий для поддержания обратной совместимости, но появились и значительные нововведения и изменения в окружающем систему Git сообществе.

Второе издание книги предусматривает рассказ об этих изменениях и обновлениях, что поможет новым пользователям быстрее войти в курс дела.
На момент написания первой книги система Git была относительно сложной и по сути представляла собой инструмент, ориентированный на опытного разработчика.
В некоторых сообществах она начала набирать популярность, но до повсеместного ее использования, которое мы наблюдаем в наши дни, было далеко. Тем не менее, постепенно эту систему приняли на вооружение практически все сообщества разработчиков ПО с открытым исходным кодом. Появление огромного числа графических интерфейсов для всех платформ и поддержка IDE позволили внедрить Git в операционные системы семейства Windows. В первом издании книги об этом не было и речи. Одной из основных целей нового издания является рассмотрение всех этих новшеств.

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