
Tiny Android Projects Using Kotlin

Tiny Android Projects Using Kotlin - Denis Panjuta, Loveth Nwokike


In today's fast-paced world, Android development is an ever-evolving field that requires regular updates to stay ahead of the latest trends and technologies. The "Tiny Android Projects Using Kotlin" book is an excellent resource for developers who want to learn how to build Android apps using the latest tools and frameworks. Kotlin is the preferred language for Android development, making this book a practical and hands-on guide to learning the language and creating high-quality Android apps.
The book consists of 12 chapters that take you through a step-by-step process of building practical Android apps using Kotlin, XML, and Jetpack Compose. The first chapter introduces the role of Kotlin and Android in software development today. You will learn about the advantages of using Kotlin over other programming languages for Android development and the fundamental components of an Android app.Chapter 2 dives into the application development process using common elements of XML and Android Activities. By the end of the chapter, readers will have built their first Android application project, which calculates the BMI of a person based on height and weight.
In Chapters 3 and 4, readers will embark on their second project, a quiz application. Through this project, they will learn about more XML elements and create more complex user interfaces. They will also learn how to navigate between Activity screens and apply logic to UI elements.
Chapter 5 introduces readers to fragments, a crucial component of Android UI design. Through this chapter, readers will learn how to create reusable UI components while building their third project, an onboarding screen for Android devices.
Finally, Chapter 6 takes readers through the process of building a weather application. This chapter introduces them to REST APIs, an essential aspect of many applications that allows them to connect to a server over the internet.

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Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin

Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin - Peter Späth


The book is for Java or Kotlin developers with some experience in JavaFX, or those who are just starting out. It's designed to help you learn how to create JavaFX apps using Kotlin. By the end of the book, you'll be able to build basic to advanced apps for JavaFX with Kotlin.
You don't need any experience with JavaFX or front-end coding to read this book. You also don't have to be an expert in Kotlin, but it would be helpful if you've read some introductory books or tutorials about Kotlin or JavaFX. The Kotlin and JavaFX documentation is also a great resource that you can refer to while reading.

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Learn Kotlin for Android Development

Learn Kotlin for Android Development - Peter Späth


The book is for beginning software developers with little or no knowledge of programming, and for developers with knowledge of other languages who are interested in using Kotlin for future Android projects. The target platforms are Android devices. The book is not meant to present a thorough introduction into Android; instead, it uses Android as a platform as is and thoroughly introduces the Kotlin programming language and how it gets used for Android. Basic knowledge of how to use a desktop or laptop computer, including the installation and starting of programs, is expected. The operating system you want to use plays no major role, but because we are using Android Studio as a development environment, you must choose an operating system able to run this integrated development environment (IDE). This is the case for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. Screenshots are taken from an Ubuntu Linux installation. In the end, you will be able to write and run Kotlin programs for Android of beginning to midlevel complexity.

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Pro Spring 6. 6 Ed

Pro Spring 6. 6 Ed - Chris Schaefer, Clarence Ho, Iuliana Cosmina, Rob Harrop


 Master the fundamentals of Spring Framework 6 while learning from the real-world experiences of Spring experts. Over the course of this book, you'll learn how to leverage Spring 6 in tandem with the Kotlin programming language to build complex enterprise applications from top to bottom. From monoliths to cloud native apps for streaming microservices, you’ll gain insight into every aspect of the process, including transactions, data access, persistence, and web and presentation tiers.

 As you progress through the book, the authors demonstrate how to run Kotlin with a single command, deploy new utility methods in String class, use Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters Nested Based Access Control, read/write strings to and from files, and using Flight Recorder. Also, a whole new generation of dependencies are available, and you’ll see exactly how to make optimal use of them. A full sample application will show you how to apply Spring 6’s new tools and techniques and see how they work together.

 After reading this comprehensive book, you'll be ready to build your own Spring applications using Kotlin.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore what's new in Spring Framework 6 and the Kotlin APIs it supports
  • Leverage a new generation of dependencies
  • Build complex enterprise monoliths, cloud-native applications, and microservices
  • Master data access, persistence, and transactions
  • Use with Spring Batch, Integration, and other key Spring modules
  • Integrate Spring 6 with Hibernate and other third party APIs and packages

Who This Book Is For

 Experienced Kotlin and Java software developers and programmers. Some previous experience with Spring is highly recommended.

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Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook

Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook - Madona S. Wambua


 Android is a powerful operating system widely used in various devices, phones, TVs, wearables, automobiles, and more. This Android cookbook will teach you how to leverage the latest Android development technologies for creating incredible applications while making effective use of popular Jetpack libraries. You’ll also learn which critical principles to consider when developing Android apps.

 The book begins with recipes to get you started with the declarative UI framework, Jetpack Compose, and help you with handling UI states, Navigation, Hilt, Room, Wear OS, and more as you learn what's new in modern Android development. Subsequent chapters will focus on developing apps for large screens, leveraging Jetpack’s WorkManager, managing graphic user interface alerts, and tips and tricks within Android studio. Throughout the book, you'll also see testing being implemented for enhancing Android development, and gain insights into harnessing the integrated development environment of Android studio. Finally, you’ll discover best practices for robust modern app development.

 By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build an Android application using the Kotlin programming language and the newest modern Android development technologies, resulting in highly efficient applications.

What you will learn

  • Use Kotlin programming to build your Android applications
  • Leverage modern Android development (MAD) libraries to create exceptional apps
  • Explore modern app architecture concepts such as model-view-viewmodel (MVVM)
  • Utilize dependency injection, clean architecture, and module organization
  • Discover how to write UI and unit tests for your applications
  • Get to grips with paging, data binding, and datastore
  • Build large screens to support the new foldable world
  • Explore principles of Wear OS in modern Android development

Who this book is for

 This book is for active junior-to-mid-level Android developers with one to two years of professional experience in developing Android applications who are interested in advancing their knowledge of Android development. The recipes in this book use Kotlin and not Java.

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Kotlin And Android

Kotlin And Android - Evelyn Strauch


Android is a complete set of software for mobile devices such as tablet computers, notebooks, smartphones, electronic book readers, set-top boxes, etc.

It contains a Linux-based Operating System, middleware, and key mobile applications.

Kotlin has developed continuously, not only as a language but as a whole ecosystem with robust tooling. Now it’s seamlessly integrated into Android Studio and is actively used by many companies for developing Android applications.

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Head First Программирование для профессионалов. 3 изд

Head First Программирование для профессионалов. 3 изд - Дон Гриффитс, Дэвид Гриффитс


 Книга для программистов Head First. Программирование для Android на Kotlin. 3-е изд автор Гриффитс Дэвид , Гриффитс Дон. Книга в мягкой обложке, 912 страниц.

 Вам уже пришла в голову гениальная идея мобильного приложения, которое завоюет весь мир? Дело за малым — воплотить ее в жизнь. Эта полностью переработанная и обновленная книга поможет сразу приступить к работе. Вы на практике узнаете, как структурировать приложение, создавать гибкие и интерактивные пользовательские интерфейсы, сохранять информацию в базе данных и использовать новейшие возможности Android Jetpack и Jetpack Compose. Все, что вам нужно для успешного старта — это немного базовых знаний о языке Kotlin.

 Авторы книги: Гриффитс Дэвид Дэвид Гриффитс начал программировать в 12 лет, когда посмотрел документальный фильм о работе Сеймура Пейперта. В 15 лет он написал реализацию LOGO — компьютерного языка, созданного Пейпертом. С тех пор он работал agile-коучем, разработчиком программного обеспечения и даже помощником в гараже, но, конечно, не в таком порядке. Гриффитс Дон Дон Гриффитс получила математическое образование в одном из ведущих университетов Великобритании. Она продолжила карьеру в области разработки программного обеспечения, и уже более 20 лет работает в ИТ-индустрии как старший разработчик.

 Если вы ищете подарок для программиста, то книги по программированию будут прекрасным выбором. Популярны различные книги о программировании, бизнесе и менеджменте, информатике, искусственном интеллекте и многом другом. Перечень книг по программированию включает научно-популярную литературу, популярные книги и учебники, которые помогут развить навыки программиста. Книги по программированию делают акцент на развитии алгоритмов, логики и программирования, а также помогают разобраться с новыми технологиями и интернетом. Популярны книги по психологии и саморазвитию, терапевтические книги сказки для детей, бизнес литература, исторические книги.

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Jetpack Compose 1.3 Essentials

Jetpack Compose 1.3 Essentials - Neil Smyth


 This book aims to teach you how to build Android applications using Jetpack Compose 1.3, Android Studio Flamingo (2022.2.1), Material Design 3, and the Kotlin programming language.

 The book begins with the basics by explaining how to set up an Android Studio development environment.

 The book also includes in-depth chapters introducing the Kotlin programming language, including data types, operators, control flow, functions, lambdas, coroutines, and object-oriented programming.

 An introduction to the key concepts of Jetpack Compose and Android project architecture is followed by a guided tour of Android Studio in Compose development mode. The book also covers the creation of custom Composables and explains how functions are combined to create user interface layouts, including row, column, box, and list components.

 Other topics covered include data handling using state properties, key user interface design concepts such as modifiers, navigation bars, and user interface navigation. Additional chapters explore building your own reusable custom layout components.

 The book covers graphics drawing, user interface animation, transitions, Kotlin Flows, and gesture handling.

 Chapters also cover view models, SQLite databases, Room database access, the Database Inspector, live data, and custom theme creation. Using in-app billing, you will also learn to generate extra revenue from your app.

 Finally, the book explains how to package up a completed app and upload it to the Google Play Store for publication.

 Along the way, the topics covered in the book are put into practice through detailed tutorials, the source code for which is also available for download.

 Assuming you already have some rudimentary programming experience, are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK, and have access to a Windows, Mac, or Linux system, you are ready to start.

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Pro Spring 6 with Kotlin

Pro Spring 6 with Kotlin - Chris Schaefer, Iuliana Cosmina, Peter Späth, Rob Harrop


 Master the fundamentals of Spring Framework 6 while learning from the real-world experiences of Spring experts. Over the course of this book, you'll learn how to leverage Spring 6 in tandem with the Kotlin programming language to build complex enterprise applications from top to bottom. From monoliths to cloud native apps for streaming microservices, you’ll gain insight into every aspect of the process, including transactions, data access, persistence, and web and presentation tiers.

 As you progress through the book, the authors demonstrate how to run Kotlin with a single command, deploy new utility methods in String class, use Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters Nested Based Access Control, read/write strings to and from files, and using Flight Recorder. Also, a whole new generation of dependencies are available, and you’ll see exactly how to make optimal use of them. A full sample application will show you how to apply Spring 6’s new tools and techniques and see how they work together.

 After reading this comprehensive book, you'll be ready to build your own Spring applications using Kotlin.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore what's new in Spring Framework 6 and the Kotlin APIs it supports
  • Leverage a new generation of dependencies
  • Build complex enterprise monoliths, cloud-native applications, and microservices
  • Master data access, persistence, and transactions
  • Use with Spring Batch, Integration, and other key Spring modules
  • Integrate Spring 6 with Hibernate and other third party APIs and packages

Who This Book Is For

 Experienced Kotlin and Java software developers and programmers. Some previous experience with Spring is highly recommended.

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The First Line of Code: Android Programming with Kotlin

The First Line of Code: Android Programming with Kotlin - Lin Guo


 The First Line of Code is a must-have for developers who want to learn Android and Kotlin, and the best-seller in China. Knowledge between Android and Kotlin is interspersed in a way that readers are easy to understand and get start:

 Android part covers all the important aspects of the Android platform, such as activity, service, content provider, broadcast receiver, fragment, basic UI, data storage, network, Jetpack and other application-level knowledge.

 Kotlin part covers various aspects of Kotlin, such as standard grammar, common skills, higher-order functions, generics, coroutines, DSL and other language-level knowledge.

 In addition, The First Line of Code is a very practicing book, illustrating concepts with a complete weather forecast program. You can use and practice all the knowledge comprehensively after learning and see the actual result for what you have learned through the book.

 All contents of the book are quite easy to understand. It might be a good choice for both beginners and experienced developers. Also suitable for college students, college teachers, etc.

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Functional Programming in Kotlin

Functional Programming in Kotlin - Marco Vermeulen, Paul Chiusano, Rúnar Bjarnason


Master techniques and concepts of functional programming to deliver safer, simpler, and more effective Kotlin code.

In Functional Programming in Kotlin you will learn:

  • Functional programming techniques for real-world applications
  • Write combinator libraries
  • Common structures and idioms in functional design
  • Simplicity and modularity (and fewer bugs!)

 Functional Programming in Kotlin is a reworked version of the bestselling Functional Programming in Scala, with all code samples, instructions, and exercises translated into the powerful Kotlin language. In this authoritative guide, you’ll take on the challenge of learning functional programming from first principles. Complex concepts are demonstrated through exercises that you’ll love to test yourself against. You’ll start writing Kotlin code that’s easier to read, easier to reuse, better for concurrency, and less prone to bugs and errors.

 Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the technology

 Improve performance, increase maintainability, and eliminate bugs! How? By programming the functional way. Kotlin provides strong support for functional programming, taking a pragmatic approach that integrates well with OO codebases. By applying the techniques you’ll learn in this book, your code will be safer, less prone to errors, and much easier to read and reuse.

About the book

 Functional Programming in Kotlin teaches you how to design and write Kotlin applications using typed functional programming. Offering clear examples, carefully-presented explanations, and extensive exercises, it moves from basic subjects like types and data structures to advanced topics such as stream processing. This book is based on the bestseller Functional Programming in Scala by Rúnar Bjarnason and Paul Chiusano.

What's inside

  • Functional programming techniques for real-world situations
  • Common structures and idioms in functional design
  • Simplicity, modularity, and fewer bugs!

About the reader

For Kotlin developers. No functional programming experience required.

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Beginning Kotlin

Beginning Kotlin - Ted Hagos


 This book introduces the Kotlin programming skills and techniques necessary for building applications. You'll learn how to migrate your Java programming skills to Kotlin, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) programming language.

 The book starts with a quick tour of the Kotlin language and gradually walks you through the language in greater detail over the course of succeeding chapters. You’ll learn Kotlin fundamentals like generics, functional programming, type system, debugging, and unit testing. Additionally, with the book’s freely downloadable online appendices, you’ll discover how to use Kotlin for building Spring Boot applications, data persistence, and microservices.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn the Kotlin language, its functions, types, collections, generics, classes, and more
  • Dive into higher-order functions, generics, debugging, and unit testing
  • Apply the fundamentals of Kotlin to Spring Boot
  • Add Hibernate to your Spring Boot application for persistence and data accessibility
  • Take advantage of functional programming available in Kotlin

Who This Book Is For

 Java developers who are new to Kotlin and want to leverage Kotlin, particularly for building Spring Boot apps.

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Программирование на Kotlin для Android

Программирование на Kotlin для Android - Аманда Хинчман-Домингес, Дж. Блейк Мик, Майк Данн, Пьер-Оливье Лоранс


 Книга посвящена разработке мобильных приложений для Android на языке Kotlin. Рассмотрены основные структуры и элементы языка, подробно описан фреймворк коллекций Kotlin. Показана архитектура операционной системы Android, приложений и их контейнеров,  изучаются основы параллельного программирования. Рассказано о потокобезопасности, работе с параллелизмом с использованием обратных вызовов. Отдельная глава посвящена специальным конструкциям Kotlin — сопрограммам, с акцентом на структурированный параллелизм. Рассматриваются каналы, использование потоков для асинхронной обработки данных. Изучаются вопросы повышения производительности приложений с использованием инструментов профилирования Android и снижения потребления ресурсов за счет оптимизации производительности.

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Программирование для Android на Kotlin. 3 изд

Программирование для Android на Kotlin. 3 изд - Дон Гриффитс, Дэвид Гриффитс


 Вам уже пришла в голову гениальная идея мобильного приложения, которое завоюет весь мир? Дело за малым — воплотить ее в жизнь.

 Эта полностью переработанная и обновленная книга поможет сразу приступить к работе. Вы на практике узнаете, как структурировать приложение, создавать гибкие и интерактивные пользовательские интерфейсы, сохранять информацию в базе данных и использовать новейшие возможности Android Jetpack и Jetpack Compose. Все, что вам нужно для успешного старта — это немного базовых знаний о языке Kotlin.

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От Java к Kotlin

От Java к Kotlin - Дункан Макгрегор, Нэт Прайс


 Книга описывает практические приемы рефакторинга и переноса кода написанных на Java мобильных приложений для Android  на язык Kotlin с сохранением совместимости. Приведено подробное сравнение этих двух языков, даны примеры перевода проектов с Java на Kotlin, добавления поддержки Kotlin в сборку Java.

 Показан переход от классов Java к классам Kotlin, от коллекций Java к коллекциям Kotlin, от объектов JavaBeans к значениям, от статических методов к функциям верхнего уровня. Подробно рассматривается обработка ошибок, приведены практические приемы управления проектами со смешанной кодовой базой. Даны советы по рефакторингу кода и функциональному программированию на Kotlin.

 Расстояние от острова Ява до острова Котлин составляет 9892 километра по прямой. Чтобы преодолеть его, не пользуясь воздушным транспортом, понадобится как минимум неделя. Если вы — опытный Java-разработчик, который решил перейти на Kotlin, вам потребуется примерно столько же времени. Вы обнаружите, что в Kotlin все делается по-другому, он требует иных подходов к программированию. Этот язык более функционален, у него больше возможностей, поэтому перенос кода ваших проектов с Java на Kotlin — отличная идея.

 Ваши гиды Дункан и Нэт уже проделали этот путь в 2015 году, и с тех пор помогли многим командам и отдельным разработчикам повторить его. Путешествуйте вместе с ними по проверенному маршруту, включающему такие промежуточные остановки, как переход от объектов JavaBeans к значениям, от коллекций Java к коллекциям Kotlin и от классов Java к классам Kotlin.

 Авторы подробно объясняют ключевые концепции, а затем показывают, как постепенно и безопасно перенести код Java в идиоматичный Kotlin, сохраняя при этом совместимость. В результате код становится проще, выразительнее и удобнее для редактирования. К концу путешествия вы будете уверены в том, что сможете перевести все свои Java-проекты на платформу Kotlin, освоите Kotlin с нуля и научитесь управлять смешанной языковой базой кода по мере ее развития.

 Взять знакомый всем старый добрый код Java и наблюдать за тем, как он постепенно превращается в лаконичный, четкий, выразительный и легкий в обслуживании код на языке Kotlin — замечательный способ выучить язык. Воспользуйтесь опытом, которым делятся Макгрегор и Прайс.

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Pro Android with Kotlin. 2 Ed

Pro Android with Kotlin. 2 Ed - Peter Späth


 Develop Android apps with Kotlin to create more elegant programs than the Java equivalent. This revised book covers the various aspects of a modern Android app that professionals are expected to encounter. You'll use the latest Kotlin APIs as made available in most recent versions of the Android SDK.

 There are chapters dealing with all the important aspects of the Android platform, including GUI design, file- and data-handling, coping with phone calls, multimedia apps, interaction with location and mapping services, monetizing apps, and much more. Jetpack will also be covered. It is a suite of libraries to help developers follow best practices, reduce boilerplate code, and write code that works consistently across Android versions and devices.

 Pro Android with Kotlin, Second Edition is an invaluable source for developers wanting to build real-world, state-of-the-art Android apps for modern Android devices using the Kotlin programming language and its APIs as available in the modern Android SDK. After reading this book, you'll come away with the skills and techniques to build modern Android apps that you can sell on Google Play. Free source code is available on this book's Github page as well.

What You Will Learn

  • Integrate activities, such as intents, services, notifications and more, into your Android apps
  • Build UIs in Android using layouts, widgets, lists, menus, and action bars
  • Deal with data in your Android apps using data persistence and cloud access
  • Design for different Android devices
  • Create multimedia apps in Android
  • Secure, deploy, and monetize your Android apps

Who This Book Is For

 Professional Android app developers.

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Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch

Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch - August Lilleaas


 Build production-grade web apps from scratch – without using frameworks – with Kotlin on the Java platform. You’ll learn how to use and compose libraries, how to choose between different libraries, and the benefits of explicit and straight-forward code, vs. the implicit magic, conventions, and inversion of control you often see in frameworks.

 The book teaches the Kotlin language by building production-ready Kotlin code. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the idiomatic use of the Kotlin language along with knowledge of how to apply Kotlin in production-grade web apps. The book also bridges the gap between building from scratch and using existing frameworks. For example, you’ll learn how to integrate Spring Security-based authentication in web apps written from scratch, so you can leverage existing tooling in your organization without having to take on the entire Spring framework. 

 The first section of the book sets up the base structure of your web app, such as routing, configuration files, and database migrations. The remaining chapters are broken into individual aspects of building production-ready web apps. Appendices at the end of the book explain how to use different libraries than the ones chosen in the main chapters, so you'll learn how to decouple your code from specific libraries, and choose between many different libraries to get the job done in your own web apps.

What You Will Learn

  • Compose libraries and manage boilerplate code using idiomatic and powerful Kotlin
  • Manage and query SQL databases without ORMs and mapping layers
  • Write resilient and change-proof tests in support of test-driven development practices
  • Create traditional, HTML-based web apps, APIs for JavaScript-based single-page web apps and native mobile apps
  • Manage parallelism and external service calls using Kotlin co-routines
  • Deploy to production using embedded servers, WAR files, and serverless approaches
  • Bridge the gap between custom-built apps and enterprise, using Spring Context and Spring Security

Who This Book Is For

 The expert developer who is ready to take full control of the tech stack, and use the Kotlin language, type system, and standard library, to ship production-ready web apps. Readers should have prior programming experience. Experience with Java or another JVM language is helpful. 

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How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin. 2 Ed

How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin. 2 Ed - Alexandru Dumbravan, Alex Forrester, Eran Boudjnah, Jomar Tigcal


 Are you keen to get started building Android 11 apps, but don't know where to start? How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin is a comprehensive guide that will help kick-start your Android development practice.

 This book starts with the fundamentals of app development, enabling you to utilize Android Studio and Kotlin to get started building Android projects. You'll learn how to create apps and run them on virtual devices through guided exercises. Progressing through the chapters, you'll delve into Android's RecyclerView to make the most of lists, images, and maps, and see how to fetch data from a web service.

 Moving ahead, you'll get to grips with testing, learn how to keep your architecture clean, understand how to persist data, and gain basic knowledge of the dependency injection pattern. Finally, you'll see how to publish your apps on the Google Play store.

 You'll work on realistic projects that are split up into bitesize exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. You'll build apps to create quizzes, read news articles, check weather reports, store recipes, retrieve movie information, and remind you where you parked your car.

 By the end of this book, you'll have the skills and confidence to build your own creative Android applications using Kotlin.

What you will learn

  • Create maintainable and scalable apps using Kotlin
  • Understand the Android development lifecycle
  • Simplify app development with Google architecture components
  • Use standard libraries for dependency injection and data parsing
  • Apply the repository pattern to retrieve data from outside sources
  • Publish your app on the Google Play store

Who this book is for

 If you want to build your own Android applications using Kotlin but are unsure of how to begin, then this book is for you. To easily grasp the concepts in this book, it is recommended that you already have a basic understanding of Kotlin, or experience in a similar programming language and a willingness to brush up on Kotlin before you start.

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Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices. 2 Ed

Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices. 2 Ed - Alexey Soshin


 This book shows you how easy it can be to implement traditional design patterns in the modern multi-paradigm Kotlin programming language, and takes you through the new patterns and paradigms that have emerged.

 This second edition is updated to cover the changes introduced from Kotlin 1.2 up to 1.5 and focuses more on the idiomatic usage of coroutines, which have become a stable language feature. You'll begin by learning about the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, as well as understanding basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns on your code.

 The book also provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns, such as Creational, Structural, and Behavioral families, before moving on to functional programming. You'll go through reactive and concurrent patterns, and finally, get to grips with coroutines and structured concurrency to write performant, extensible, and maintainable code.

 By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have explored the latest trends in architecture and design patterns for microservices. You'll also understand the tradeoffs when choosing between different architectures and make informed decisions.

What you will learn

  • Implement all the classical design patterns using the Kotlin programming language
  • Apply reactive and concurrent design patterns to make your application more scalable
  • Discover best practices in Kotlin and explore its new features
  • Understand the key principles of functional programming and learn how they apply to Kotlin
  • Find out how to write idiomatic Kotlin code and learn which patterns to avoid
  • Harness the power of Kotlin to design concurrent and reliable systems with ease
  • Create an effective microservice with Kotlin and the Ktor framework

Who this book is for

 This book is for developers who want to apply design patterns they've learned from other languages in Kotlin and build reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. You'll need a good grasp on at least one programming language before you get started with this book. Java or design patterns will be particularly useful, but you'll still be able to follow along if you code in other languages.

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Building Android Projects with Kotlin

Building Android Projects with Kotlin - Pankaj Kumar


 As an ambitious Kotlin programmer or Android developer, are you frequently baffled by the options available to do a specific task? Or why a single solution is superior to the others for doing this Android task?

And most importantly, how can you do Kotlin programming employing this superior alternative?

 The book ‘Building Android Projects with Kotlin’ teaches you all you need to know to create an incredible Android application. It describes the fundamentals of Android, its components, and their purposes. This book also emphasizes the significance of clean code, modular code writing, and architectural patterns. It teaches the reader how to analyze the performance of a layout, how to select the best picture format and the fundamentals of multiscreen application development.

 This book discusses the creation of chat applications, video-sharing applications, and video games. The book will discuss best practices, libraries, functional requirement collecting, and feature development while constructing and explaining the functionalities of these applications. A range of topics like Android fundamentals, layout and image optimization, practical development tools, writing clean code, multiscreen app development, creating chat apps, video sharing applications, and games will be learned throughout this book.

What you will learn

● Develop the ability to write well-structured programs and modular codes.

● Workaround ExoPlayer, Notifications, RecyclerView, ToolBar, Unity, Jetpack components, etc.

● Explore and use Memory analyzer, Database analyzer, Logcat, and Layout Inspector.

● Examine the design patterns and performance of various layout designs and optimize accordingly.

● Create different designs for mobile and tablets in the same application.

Who this book is for

 Aspiring Android developers, Kotlin programmers, and mobile developers would benefit from reading this book by improving their writing skills and fully utilizing the benefits of Kotlin in their application development. However, before reading this book, it would be beneficial to know Kotlin.

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Kotlin In-Depth. 2 ed

Kotlin In-Depth. 2 ed - Aleksei Sedunov


 The book ‘Kotlin In-Depth, Second Edition’ updates all the essential parts of Kotlin and incorporates modern principles, methodologies, and approaches for achieving efficient solutions. The book will guide you to successfully utilize Kotlin in developing JVM apps for desktop, mobile, web platforms and transferring existing Java codebases to Kotlin.

 The book begins with an introduction to the language and its environment, which will help you to grasp the fundamental concepts underlying Kotlin's design. The readers will learn the Kotlin tooling and the language's core syntax and structures. The book teaches Kotlin's multi-paradigm nature, which enables the creation of powerful abstractions by mixing parts of functional and object-oriented programming. This book discusses how to use standard Kotlin APIs like the standard library, reflection, and coroutine-based concurrency, as well as how to create your flexible APIs using domain-specific languages. The book demonstrates how to use Kotlin for more specific tasks such as testing, developing Android applications, developing Web applications, and developing microservices.

 After reading this book, you'll be prepared to dive deeper into the Kotlin ecosystem's more specialized areas, including Android applications, server-side development, native programming, and code sharing across different platforms.


● Acquire a deep understanding of all fundamental features of Kotlin programming.

● Utilize object-oriented and functional capabilities to create a flexible and reusable codebase.

● Leverage the Kotlin standard library to create custom domain-specific languages.

● Implement the Kotlin coroutines package to write asynchronous programming.

● A solid foundation of relevant development platforms, tools, and frameworks.


 The book is primarily geared towards Java and JVM developers who want to learn Kotlin and explore modern and efficient development techniques. Knowing the basics of programming is helpful but not necessary.

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Numerical Methods Using Kotlin

Numerical Methods Using Kotlin - Haksun Li


 This in-depth guide covers a wide range of topics, including chapters on linear algebra, root finding, curve fitting, differentiation and integration, solving differential equations, random numbers and simulation, a whole suite of unconstrained and constrained optimization algorithms, statistics, regression and time series analysis. The mathematical concepts behind the algorithms are clearly explained, with plenty of code examples and illustrations to help even beginners get started.

 In this book, you'll implement numerical algorithms in Kotlin using NM Dev, an object-oriented and high-performance programming library for applied and industrial mathematics. Discover how Kotlin has many advantages over Java in its speed, and in some cases, ease of use. In this book, you’ll see how it can help you easily create solutions for your complex engineering and data science problems. 

 After reading this book, you'll come away with the knowledge to create your own numerical models and algorithms using the Kotlin programming language. 

What You Will Learn

  • Program in Kotlin using a high-performance numerical library
  • Learn the mathematics necessary for a wide range of numerical computing algorithms
  • Convert ideas and equations into code
  • Put together algorithms and classes to build your own engineering solutions
  • Build solvers for industrial optimization problems
  • Perform data analysis using basic and advanced statistics

Who This Book Is For

 Programmers, data scientists, and analysts with prior experience programming in any language, especially Kotlin or Java.

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Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials

Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials - Carlos Mota, Kevin D Moore, Saeed Taheri


 If your goal is to leverage Kotlin to share code among your native apps, this is the book for you.

 Maintaining multiple native apps with duplicated code can be a time-consuming process. This duplication also increases the testing effort, eventually slowing down the project and increasing costs.

 You can use Kotlin Multiplatform to share code between your Android, iOS and desktop apps but there are multiple considerations. You should be able to develop the UI natively using the framework of your choice. Using the right frameworks can drastically reduce the UI development time and provide you with flexible APIs.

 At the same time, you need to figure out how Kotlin Multiplatform fits in with your current architecture and how you can access platform-specific APIs. Choosing the right architecture can make your app testable, maintainable and easy to work with.

 Then you need to figure out which layers of your app you can migrate to a shared module and how you can use different libraries to assist this migration. Finally, you should be able to publish and share your shared module so that you can use it across apps on multiple platforms.

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Kotlin. Программирование для профессионалов. 2 изд

Kotlin. Программирование для профессионалов. 2 изд - Джош Скин, Дэвид Гринхол, Эндрю Бэйли


 В 2011 году компания JetBrains анонсировала альтернативу языкам Java и Scala —язык программирования Kotlin, код которого тоже выполняется под управлением виртуальной машины Java (Java Virtual Machine). Шесть лет спустя Google объявил об официальной поддержке Kotlin как языка разработки для операционной системы Android.

 И Kotlin быстро превратился из просто «перспективного» в язык поддержки приложений для лидирующей мобильной операционной системы. Сегодня крупные компании вроде Google, Uber, Netflix, Capital One, Amazon и других официально приняли на вооружение Kotlin, чему способствовали его компактность, современные возможности и полная совместимость с Java.

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