
Real-World iOS by Tutorials: Professional App Development With Swift

Real-World iOS by Tutorials: Professional App Development With Swift - Aaqib Hussain


This book is suitable for developers of all skill levels. Its content assumes foundational knowledge of the following subjects: Swift: The leading programming language for iOS development from Apple. SwiftUI: A declarative and reactive user interface framework. Networking: Basic concepts of networking using URLSession and related classes and methods. Core Data: Creating database entities and attributes, as well as fetching and saving data. Accessibility: Designing with VoiceOver and following Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) best practices. Unit Testing: Using Xcode's Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development techniques. Deployment: Testing flight beta versions and submitting apps to the App Store. Note: If you want to fill in gaps in your knowledge, raywenderlich.com provides a variety of books to assist. To brush up on Swift and SwiftUI, Swift Apprentice and Swift UI Apprentice are excellent places to start. Core Data with Tutorials takes you through the entire Core Data process. iOS Animations with Tuts+ is another good resource for learning more about animations in iOS.Tutorials provide you with the basics to keep your app alive for your users. With iOS Test-Driven Development by Tutorials, you can learn techniques to keep your app bug-free. Finally, iOS App Distribution and Best Practices provide the best techniques for getting your app on the App Store. As mentioned earlier, this book covers a wide range of topics and does not go too deep into them. Instead, the focus is on why you should use these techniques and best practices to make your app successful.

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Head First. Изучаем Swift

Head First. Изучаем Swift - Джон Мэннинг, Пэрис Баттфилд-Эддисон


 Swift известен как язык разработки приложений, выбранный компанией Apple для iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS и tvOS. Но этим его применение не ограничивается. Swift с открытым кодом набирает популярность как язык системного программирования и программирования на стороне сервера, его используют и в Linux, и в Windows. С чего же начать?

 "Head First. Изучаем Swift" охватывает все актуальные темы – от сбора и управления данными до повторного использования кода, построения нестандартных типов данных и структурирования программ и пользовательских интерфейсов в SwiftUI. Изучив Swift, вы будете готовы строить любые приложения – от мобильных и веб-приложений до игр, фреймворков, средств командной строки и многого другого.

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Swift. Основы разработки приложений под iOS, iPadOS и macOS. 6 изд

Swift. Основы разработки приложений под iOS, iPadOS и macOS. 6 изд - Василий Усов


 Мечтаете стать iOS-разработчиком, написать собственное приложение и работать в крутой компании? Тогда эта книга для вас!

 Язык Swift прост, понятен и отлично подойдет как новичкам, так и опытным программистам. Чтобы начать писать код, вам потребуются только эта книга, компьютер и желание учиться. Все базовые концепции программирования и основы синтаксиса объясняются доступным языком, поэтому если вы никогда раньше не занимались разработкой, то эта книга – отличный старт. Теория чередуется с практическими примерами и кодом – так вы сразу сможете связать абстрактные понятия с реальными ситуациями. В каждой главе вас ждут тесты и домашние задания, которые помогут закрепить материал.

 А еще Swift – это дружелюбное сообщество в Telegram, где можно обсуждать проекты и получать поддержку.

 Учитесь, создавайте и творите свое будущее!

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Beginning iPhone Development with SwiftUI. 7 Ed

Beginning iPhone Development with SwiftUI. 7 Ed - Wallace Wang


 Tame the power of Apple’s new user interface toolkit, SwiftUI. This revised and expanded Seventh Edition covers the basic information you need to get up and running quickly to turn your great ideas into working iOS apps with stunningly interactive interfaces using SwiftUI. New chapters cover expandable text fields, multidate pickers, using gauges, progress views and variable SF symbol icons, creating chats, and using the navigation stack and split view.

 You’ll start with basic designs and then explore more sophisticated ones. Assuming little or no working knowledge of the Swift programming language, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a comprehensive course in iPhone and iPad programming. The book provides a gentle introduction to using Xcode and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application. You’ll create user interfaces for that application using multiple screens in two different ways—using Navigation View and Tab Bars.

 Then integrate all the interface elements iOS users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders with less effort and more efficiency. You’ll also learn about touch gestures, lists, and grids for displaying data on a user interface. And you’ll even go beyond those simple controls to liven up any user interface with simple animation techniques. Spice your designs up with movement, scaling, and resizing, including spring and bounce effects!

 Once you’re ready, move on to Pro iPhone Development with Swift UI to learn more of the unique aspects of iOS programming and the Swift language. 

What You Will Learn

  • Discover the basics of designing a user interface using SwiftUI
  • Build cool, crisp user interfaces that use animation
  • Display data in lists and outlines
  • Organize user interfaces in forms and groups

 Who This Book is For 

 Aspiring iOS app developers new to the Apple Swift programming language and/or the iOS SDK.

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Full Stack iOS Development with Swift and Vapor

Full Stack iOS Development with Swift and Vapor - Hem Dutt


 Full-stack iOS applications combine frontend and backend development to create powerful and versatile mobile experiences, providing users with rich functionality and reliable data management. If you're interested in building full stack iOS applications, this book is a perfect fit for you.

 To embark on your full stack iOS development journey, the book initiates by installing the Vapor Toolbox and Xcode, equipping you with essential tools for swift progress in constructing complete projects. Through a practical approach, the book will help you navigate the intricacies of routing, implementing security measures, seamlessly integrating data, managing data effectively, and generating server-side JSON responses. As you delve deeper into the book, your expertise will expand to encompass the vast ecosystem of iOS app development, including features such as UIKit with Auto-layout, SwiftUI, Core Data, and more. Furthermore, this book serves as your guiding companion, embracing the potential of comprehensive instruction and unveiling the secrets of successful full stack iOS development. It empowers you to unleash your capabilities by understanding the complexities of bridging backend and front-end technologies. With its extensive coverage, the guide empowers you to overcome obstacles such as data storage, performance optimization, and security.

 By providing you with the necessary expertise and resources, this book enables you to build impressive, secure, and scalable full stack iOS applications.

What you will learn

  • Learn the process of setting up a Vapor project, including routing, controller creation, and middleware implementation.
  • Discover how to interact with databases using the Fluent ORM, defining models, and relationships, and performing CRUD operations.
  • Learn how to design user interfaces using SwiftUI, implementing navigation and user interaction in your iOS app.
  • Learn to effectively communicate with web services and APIs.
  • Understand the process of deploying your full stack iOS application.

Who this book is for

This book is for aspiring developers, students, and experienced iOS developers who are skilled in Swift and looking to delve into full stack development.

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Pro iPhone Development with SwiftUI. 4 Ed

Pro iPhone Development with SwiftUI. 4 Ed - Wallace Wang


 You know the basics. Your Swift code flows with logic and ease. This isn't your first time building a workable app for iOS platforms. Now, it's time to build a magical app for iOS platforms! Move beyond what you mastered in the best-selling Beginning iPhone Development with SwiftUI. 

 This revised and expanded Fourth Edition enlightens you to the world of rich design, solid code, and thoughtful processing needed to make apps that wow. Integrate all these extraordinary iOS features and embrace the world of possibilities in the Swift programming language with SwiftUI. New chapters cover customizing grids, using ViewThatFits, adding search and share links, using SpriteKit, and Developing Tests.  

 Not only will your apps run like magic under the hood but with the new standard of SwiftUI, you'll add animations, scaling, multiscreen support, and so much more to your interfaces. Debug Swift code, use multi-threaded programming with Grand Central Dispatch, pass data between view controllers, and design apps functional in multiple languages. You’ll also see how to integrate audio and video files in your apps, access the camera and send pictures to and from the Photos library, use location services to pinpoint your user's position on a map, and display web pages in-app. 

 Don't just stop at flawless code and stickily engaging interfaces. Pro iPhone Development with SwiftUI explains how to give your apps a mind with Apple’s advanced frameworks for machine learning, facial and text recognition, and augmented reality. 

What You Will Learn

  • Save and retrieve data when apps close or get pushed in the background
  • Recognize speech with Apple’s advanced frameworks 
  • Create augmented reality apps
  • Understand spoken commands with Siri

Who This Book is For

 Aspiring iOS app developers familiar with the Apple Swift programming language and/or the iOS SDK, but ready to move to the next level.

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Modern Concurrency in Swift. 2 Ed.

Modern Concurrency in Swift. 2 Ed. - Marin Todorov


 For years, writing powerful and safe concurrent apps with Swift could easily turn into a daunting task, full of race conditions and unexplained crashes hidden in a massive nesting of callback closures.

 In Swift 5.5, Apple introduced a new concurrency model featuring the async/await syntax, which lets you write asynchronous code that reads like synchronous code. But like any new feature, here be dragons! So how will you achieve the much-desired mastery of modern Swift concurrency?

 Modern Concurrency in Swift comes to the rescue, showcasing what you need to know about async/await, tasks, actors and everything in between!

Who This Book Is For

 This book is for intermediate Swift developers who are familiar with writing asynchronous applications and who want to leverage the concurrency features Apple introduced in Swift 5.5 and its evolution throughout the years, to write safer and more predictable asynchronous apps.

 Topics Covered in Modern Concurrency in Swift

  • Using async/await: Learn how to use the new async/await keywords to define and run asynchronous work.
  • Actors: Find out how to use the actor model to easily protect shared mutable state in a synchronized container.
  • Tasks: You'll dive deeper into the Task type, which powers all asynchronous tasks in Swift's modern concurrency model.
  • Task Groups: Use a Task Group to group multiple tasks together and run them concurrently, while using a familiar Array-like syntax to iterate over the results.
  • Custom Asynchronous Sequences: Leverage the power of async/await in your own asynchronous work, by learning how to create custom AsyncStreams.
  • Testing Asynchronous Code: Asynchronous code can be a challenging beast to test. You'll learn everything you need to tackle this challenge.

 One thing you can count on: After reading this book, you’ll be prepared to leverage Swift's new concurrency features in your app to write safe, performant and predictable asynchronous code.

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Swift для детей

Swift для детей - Глория Уинквист, Мэтт Маккарти


 Одной кнопкой пригласить на праздник всех друзей, придумать игру с бесстрашной скейтершей, обучить компьютер угадывать цифры... Если у вас в руках творение великого Джобса – вы можете сами придумать начинку!

 Из этого самоучителя вы узнаете, как программировать на Swift – языке, на котором написаны мобильные приложения для Apple. Современный и функциональный Swift легко изучать. Он интуитивно понятен и отлично подходит для тех, кто хочет познакомиться с основами программирования.

 Для начала вы научитесь работать в Xcode Playground. Эта учебная площадка создана специально для того, чтобы вы делали первые шаги и тут же видели результаты. Разобравшись с основами, вы по инструкциям создадите два приложения – анимированную игру и напоминалку о днях рождения друзей. А еще, немного освоившись, сможете создать в Xcode любое приложение – какое захотите!

 Если вы интересуетесь программированием и хотите им заниматься, эта книга станет отличной отправной точкой. Скорее всего, ее основными читателями будут дети, но она может пригодиться и взрослым. Эта книга будет полезна как тем, кто не имеет навыков программирования, так и опытным программистам, которые хотят побольше узнать о создании приложений.

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Swift 3 for Absolute Beginners. 3 Ed

Swift 3 for Absolute Beginners. 3 Ed - Brad Lees, Gary Bennett


 Stay motivated and overcome obstacles while learning to use Swift Playgrounds to be a great iOS developer. This book is perfect for those with no programming background, those with some programming experience but no object-oriented experience, or those that have a great idea for an app but haven’t programmed since school, and it is now updated for Swift 3.

 Many people have a difficult time believing they can learn to write iOS apps. Swift 3 for Absolute Beginners, along with the free, live online training sessions will show you how to do so. You'll learn Object Oriented Programming and be introduced to HealthKit before moving on to write your own iPhone and Watch apps from scratch.

 Gary Bennett and Brad Lees are full-time professional iOS developers and have developed a broad spectrum of apps for Fortune 500 companies. The authors have taken their combined 12 years of writing apps, teaching online iOS courses, the experience from their first three iOS books, along with their online instruction and free online forum at XcelMe.com to create an excellent training book.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Work with Swift classes, properties, and functions
  • Examine proper user interface and user experience design
  • Understand Swift data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans
  • Use Swift data collections: arrays and dictionaries
  • Review Boolean logic, comparing data, and flow control

Who This Book Is For

 Anyone who wants to learn to develop apps for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, and Watch using the Swift programming language. No previous programming experience is necessary.

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iOS 15 Programming Fundamentals with Swift

iOS 15 Programming Fundamentals with Swift - Matt Neuburg


 Move into iOS development by getting a firm grasp of its fundamentals, including the Xcode 13 IDE, Cocoa Touch, and the latest version of Apple's acclaimed programming language, Swift 5.5. With this thoroughly updated guide, you'll learn the Swift language, understand Apple's Xcode development tools, and discover the Cocoa framework.

  • Explore Swift's object-oriented concepts
  • Become familiar with built-in Swift types
  • Dive deep into Swift objects, protocols, and generics
  • Tour the life cycle of an Xcode project
  • Learn how nibs are loaded
  • Understand Cocoa's event-driven design
  • Communicate with C and Objective-C

 In this edition, catch up on the latest iOS programming features:

  • Structured concurrency: async/await, tasks, and actors
  • Swift native formatters and attributed strings
  • Lazy locals and throwing getters
  • Enhanced collections with the Swift Algorithms and Collections packages
  • Xcode tweaks: column breakpoints, package collections, and Info.plist build settings
  • Improvements in Git integration, localization, unit testing, documentation, and distribution
  • And more!
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Head First Swift

Head First Swift - Jonathon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison


What will you learn from this book?

 Swift is best known as Apple's programming language of choice for developing apps on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. But it's far more versatile than that. Open source Swift is also gaining ground as a language for systems programming and server-side code, and it runs on Linux and Windows. So where do you start? With Head First Swift, you'll explore from the ground up: from collecting and controlling data to reusing code, producing custom data types, and structuring programs and user interfaces with SwiftUI by building safe, protocol-driven code. With Swift under your belt, you'll be ready to build everything from mobile and web apps to games, frameworks, command-line tools, and beyond.

What's so special about this book?

 If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. With this book, you'll learn Swift through a multisensory experience that engages your mind rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

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iOS Architecture Patterns: MVP, MVVM, VIPER, and VIP in Swift

iOS Architecture Patterns: MVP, MVVM, VIPER, and VIP in Swift - Raúl Ferrer García


 Develop well-structured applications using tested techniques and patterns. When you start to develop an application, you not only have to think about the idea of the finished application, but also about how it will evolve as it is built. This book shows you how to plan for changes, scope creep, and for the possibility of other developers joining in. 

 Start by learning what architecture patterns for an application are. You’ll find out why it’s important for your applications to be based on these patterns and which ones are the most common. Then you’ll look at the MVC as one of the best known and used patterns. You’ll see how and when it can be implemented in your applications, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. 

 From there, you’ll discover the first evolution of the MVC model: the MVP, which introduces a new layer (Presenter) to better manage views. The next evolution after that is the MVVM, which introduces the ViewModel layer and its connection with the views through Data Binding. With those prominent patterns covered, you’ll read about VIPER and VIP, Architecture Patterns that seeks to make applications easily maintainable, modularized, and highly scalable. All of which are hallmarks of Clean Architecture.  

 Architecture patterns have developed and evolved to give your applications solid foundations. Understanding these patterns, you will reduce the problems that may arise when modifying existing functions, adding new ones, or correcting errors that may arise in the development process.

What You'll Learn

  • Code cleanly with solid foundations
  • Start your project ready to adapt and evolve as features and other developers are added 
  • Find and apply the right patterns for the best results  

 Who This Book Is ForDevelopers with some programming knowledge who want to learn different architecture patterns, those who already have more experience and are looking for a starting point on complex patterns such as VIPER or VIP, and beginner programmers.

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Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift. 3 ed

Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift. 3 ed - Florent Pillet, Marin Todorov, Shai Mishali


Writing asynchronous code can be challenging, with a variety of possible interfaces to represent, perform, and consume asynchronous work — delegates, notification center, KVO, closures, etc. Juggling all of these different mechanisms can be somewhat overwhelming. Does it have to be this hard? Not anymore!

In this book, you'll learn about Combine — Apple’s framework to work with asynchronous events in a unified and reactive way that ensures your app is always up to date based on the latest state of its data.

Who This Book Is For

This book is for intermediate iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS and Swift development but are interested in learning declarative/reactive programming and take their app and state management to the next level.

You'll also find this book interesting if you're interested in SwiftUI — as many of the reactive capabilities keeping your SwiftUI views up-to-date are built on top of Combine.

Topics Covered in Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift

  • What & Why: Learn what is Combine and reactive programming and the problems they solve, and how you can unify all of your asynchronous piece of work.
  • Operators: Learn how to compose, transform, filter and otherwise manipulate different pieces of asynchronous work using operators.
  • In Practice: You'll gain knowledge on various topics and techniques you'll leverage when writing your own real-life apps, as well as practice these techniques with actual hands-on apps and projects.
  • SwiftUI: You'll learn about how Combine is deeply rooted within SwiftUI and provides it with the ability to reactively update its views based on the state of your app.
  • Advanced Combine: Once you've got a handle on the basics, you'll dive into advanced Combine topics such as Error Handling, Schedulers, and Custom Publishers.

By the end of this book, you'll be a pro in building full-fledged applications using Combine's various abilities.

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RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift

RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift - Florent Pillet, Junior Bontognali, Marin Todorov, Scott Gardner


 This book is for iOS developers who already feel comfortable with iOS and Swift, and want to dive deep into development with RxSwift.

 If you’re a complete beginner to iOS, we suggest you first read through the latest edition of the iOS Apprentice. That will give you a solid foundation of building iOS apps with Swift from the ground up but you might still need to learn more about intermediate level iOS development before you can work through all chapters in this book.

 If you know the basics of iOS development but are new to Swift, we suggest you read through Swift Apprentice first, which goes through the features of Swift using playgrounds to teach the language.

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iOS 11 by Tutorials

iOS 11 by Tutorials - Andy Pereira, Jawwad Ahmad, Jeff Rames, Jerry Beers, Michael Ciurus, Michael Katz, Mic Pringle, Richard Critz


 This book is for intermediate or advanced iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS and Swift development but want to learn about the new APIs, frameworks, and changes in Xcode 9 and iOS 11.

  •  If you are a complete beginner to iOS development, we recommend you read through The iOS Apprentice, Fifth Edition first. Otherwise this book may be a bit too advanced for you.
  • If you are a beginner to Swift, we recommend you read through either The iOS Apprentice, Fifth Edition (if you are a complete beginner to programming), or The Swift Apprentice, Second Edition (if you already have some programming experience) first.
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Swift 4 for Absolute Beginners. 4 Ed

Swift 4 for Absolute Beginners. 4 Ed - Brad Lees, Gary Bennett, Stefan Kaczmarek


 This book assumes you may have never programmed before. The book is also written for someone who may have never programmed before using object-oriented programming (OOP) languages. There are many Swift books out there, but all of these books assume you have programmed before and know OOP and computer logic. We wanted to write a book that takes readers from knowing little or nothing about computer programming and logic to being able to program in Swift. After all, Swift is a native programming language for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

 Over the last eight years, we have taught thousands of students at xcelMe.com to be iOS (iPhone/iPad) developers. Many of our students have developed some of the most successful iOS apps in their category in the App Store. We have incorporated what we have learned in our first two courses, Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Logic and Swift for iPhone/iPad Developers, into this book.

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