Modern CSS with Tailwind. 2 Ed

Modern CSS with Tailwind. 2 Ed - Noel Rappin


 This new edition of the book covers Tailwind 3.0, which changes the way Tailwind generates its CSS. Tailwind 3.0 has a large number of new features powered by the new system, including the ability to use arbitrary values with most Tailwind class patterns, and a new syntax for combining color and opacity in a single class. This book also covers the new standalone command-line tools for Tailwind.

 With CSS, you can do amazing things to the basic text and images on your website, and with just a little bit of client-side code to add and remove CSS classes, you can do exponentially more.

 In the latest edition of this book, you'll learn how to use Tailwind 3.0 and the new way it generates CSS. You'll code your way through Tailwind's newest features, including the ability to use arbitrary values with most Tailwind class patterns and a new syntax for combining color and opacity in a single class. You'll even dive into the new standalone command-line tools for Tailwind.

 The Tailwind setup is extremely explicit and makes it possible to understand the display just by looking at the HTML markup. Start by designing the typographic details of the individual elements, then placing and manipulating those elements in "the box" using a flexbox or grid design. Finally, move those elements around the page with helpful small animations and transitions.

 With Tailwind, it's easy to prototype, iterate, and customize your display, use prefixes to specify behavior, change defaults, add new behavior, and integrate with legacy CSS.

 Use Tailwind to make extraordinary web designs without extraordinary effort.

What You Need:

 This book is about Tailwind 3.0. You should have a basic knowledge of CSS and HTML.

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Creating Responsive Websites Using HTML5 and CSS3

Creating Responsive Websites Using HTML5 and CSS3 - Varun Gor


 Learn to implement web designs using HTML5 and CSS3. This book focuses on the need for responsive web design and how you can leverage HTML5 and CSS3 to create interactive websites that work in the real world. You do not need be a technology expert or have a prior coding background to benefit from this book. All you need is a want to learn and a curious mind to explore the full spectrum of features HTML5 and CSS3 have to offer.

 You'll see how to migrate legacy websites to responsive websites in a very easy-to-understand, step-by-step, manner. Additionally, you will learn to use supportive software to create, run, and debug any issues that may arise during the development process. This book will also show you how to implement websites that work on multiple devices, and on various browsers such as Opera, Chrome, internet Explorer, or Edge. All this will be explored with supporting files, open-source software, as well as a practical guide to creating your demo website along with learning new technologies.

 From the basics to more advanced topics, Creating Responsive Websites Using HTML and CSS is for anyone who wants to learn about and build beautiful responsive websites. 

What You'll Learn

  • Code and design websites using HTML5 and CSS3 
  • Design professional-looking websites using colors, margins, images, and other aspects
  • Create a responsive design that will work on laptops, PCs, and any kind of mobile device
  • Troubleshoot and fix code errors independently using developer tools
  • Solve cross-browser responsiveness issues and the challenges that come with different operating systems

Who This Book Is For

 Students and/or website designers who want to upskill their talents

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Руководство для начинающих по HTML и CSS

Руководство для начинающих по HTML и CSS - Уилсон Кевин


 Данная книга написана в виде иллюстрированного пошагового руководства для начинающих изучать HTML и CSS. Она также содержит упражнения и примеры кода.
Книга начинается с настройки среды разработки, такой как локальный веб-сервер и редактор HTML. Следующие несколько глав посвящены веб-серверам, основам HTML, таким как синтаксис языка, теги и тому, как писать программы. Далее читатели узнают, как создать простые веб-страницы с демонстрацией работы кода и использования различных тегов HTML и CSS для стилизации страниц. Наконец, рассматривается использование CMS для создания веб-сайтов, таких как Drupal и WordPress, а также то, как сочетаются HTML и CSS. В конце книги приведена справочная информация как по тегам HTML, так и по CSS.

 Руководство для начинающих по HTML и CSS предоставит читателям инструментарий, уверенность и вдохновение для начала создания веб-страниц и веб-сайтов.
Если вы программист, разработчик, студент или просто человек, который хочет учиться HTML и CSS самостоятельно, эта книга для вас.

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HTML and CSS: The Comprehensive Guide

HTML and CSS: The Comprehensive Guide - Jürgen Wolf


 Web developers―this is your all-in-one guide to HTML and CSS! Learn to use HTML to format text and structure web pages. Understand the HTML document skeleton before creating forms, referencing hyperlinks, embedding active content, and more. Then style your pages with CSS: Create consistent designs with selectors, the box model, the cascade algorithm, and inheritance. Round out your client-side development experience by getting to know JavaScript. With detailed code examples, you’ll master HTML and CSS in no time!

  • Your complete guide to HTML5 and CSS3
  • Build HTML documents, design with CSS, and get a hands-on introduction to JavaScript basics
  • Create responsive layouts, work with graphics and video, and more
  • Consult and download practical code examples
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HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies - Paul McFedries


Looking to start an exciting new career in front-end web building and design? Or maybe you just want to develop a new skill and create websites for fun. Whatever your reasons, it’s never been easier to start learning how to build websites from scratch than with help from HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies. This book has the essentials you need to wrap your head around the key ingredients of website design and creation.

You’ll learn to build attractive, useful, and easy-to-navigate websites by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into fun and practical creations. Using the 6 books compiled within this comprehensive collection, you’ll discover how to make static and dynamic websites, complete with intuitive layouts and cool animations. The book also includes:

  • Incorporate the latest approaches to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including those involving new markup, page styles, interactivity, and more
  • Step-by-step instructions for new site creators explaining the very basics of page layouts and animations
  • Easy-to-follow advice for adjusting page color and background, adding widgets to a site, and getting rid of all the bugs that affect site performance
  • Bonus 6th book available at https://www.wiley.com/en-us/HTML%2C+CSS%2C+%26amp%3B+JavaScript+All+in+One+For+Dummies-p-9781394164721

Web development is a fun, interesting, and challenging skill that can lead to a lucrative career (if you’re so inclined). And with the right help, almost anyone can learn to create engaging websites from scratch. So, grab a copy of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies and you’ll be designing and building before you know it!

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Python, Django и Bootstrap для начинающих

Python, Django и Bootstrap для начинающих - Анатолий Владимирович Постолит


 Книга посвящена вопросам разработки веб-приложений с использованием языка Python, фреймворков Django, Bootstrap и интерактивной среды разработки PyCharm. Рассмотрены основные технологии и рабочие инструменты создания веб-приложений. Описаны фреймворки Django, Bootsrtap и структура создаваемых веб-приложений. На простых примерах показана обработка и маршрутизация запросов пользователей, формирование ответных веб-страниц. Рассмотрено создание шаблонов веб-страниц и форм для пользователей. Показано взаимодействие пользователей с различными типами баз данных через модели. Описана работа с базами данных через встроенные в Django классы без использования SQL-запросов. Приведен пошаговый пример создания сайта от его проектирования, до формирования программных модулей и развертывания сайта в Интернете с базами данных SQLite и MySQL. Электронный архив на сайте издательства содержит коды всех примеров.

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CSS Frameworks

CSS Frameworks - Sufyan bin Uzayr


 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language that integrates all relevant information related to the display of a web page. CSS defines the style and format of a web page or page, including layout, colors, fonts, & (the space around each element), and more. Together with HTML and JavaScript, CSS forms the basis of the functioning of the Internet.

 CSS Frameworks: The Ultimate Guide discusses the fundamental concepts of CSS that will help developers and coders do more with CSS Frameworks. This book is for anyone who wants to create a website and write optimized and well-structured code in CSS. It follows a hands-on approach and offers practical lessons and tutorials related to CSS Frameworks.


  • Provides a detailed focus on CSS programming
  • Introduces CSS Frameworks using real-world industry concepts
  • Discusses optimization and maintenance of code in CSS Frameworks

 This book is a valuable resource for developers already familiar with HTML, and who have an understanding of JavaScript. After finishing this book, anyone will quickly build their website with absolute ease.

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Tiny CSS Projects

Tiny CSS Projects - Martine Dowden, Michael Gearon


Tiny CSS Projects is for readers who know the basics of HTML and frontend development. No experience in CSS is required. Both beginners and experienced coders will develop a deeper understanding of CSS through this book. Rather than present a theoretical view of CSS, each chapter applies a different part of CSS to a project to demonstrate in practice how CSS works.
How this book is organized:

A roadmap
The book has 12 chapters, each of which is a self-contained project:
Chapter 1, “CSS introduction”—This chapter’s project walks readers through the basics of CSS, examining cascade, specificity, and selectors.
Chapter 2, “Designing a layout using CSS grids”—This chapter explores CSS grids by designing a layout for an article while, in the process, looking at concepts such as grid tracks, minmax(), repeat functions, and the fractions unit.
Chapter 3, “Creating a responsive animated loading screen”—This project uses CSS to create a responsive animated loading screen, using scalable vector graphics and animation to style an HTML progress bar.
Chapter 4, “Creating a responsive web newspaper layout”—This chapter is about designing a multicolumn responsive web newspaper layout. 

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HTML and CSS. Learn The Fundamentals In 7 days

HTML and CSS. Learn The Fundamentals In 7 days - Micheal Knapp


 If you are new to programming, you will have no problem reading and grasping what is written in this book. This book contains detailed information on what HTML and CSS are. It clearly explains what these two languages are all about, how they started, when they were developed, and what their purposes are. More importantly, it discusses the elements involved in both languages.

 The elements of the two languages are discussed, starting from the fundamentals to the advanced. The most practical topics are covered to help you start coding right away. In fact, you can practice coding as you read the book. The purpose of this book is to help you understand and know more about Web design and development using HTML and CSS. It is specially designed with a beginner like you in mind.

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CSS для профи

CSS для профи - Кит Грант


 Как вы понимаете что зашли на хороший сайт? Это происходит практически мгновенно, с первого взгляда. Такие сайты привлекают внимание картинкой - отлично выглядят, - а кроме этого они интерактивны и отзывчивы. Сразу видно, что такую страничку создавал CSS-профи, ведь именно каскадные таблицы стилей (CSS) отвечают за всё наполнение и оформление сайта от расположения элементов до неуловимых штрихов. Дело за малым - стать CSS-профи, а для этого придется разобраться в принципах CSS, научиться воплощать в жизнь идеи дизайнеров, не забывать о таких важных ""мелочах"", как красиво подобранный шрифт, плавные переходы и сбалансированная графика. 

 Перед вами прямой путь в высшую лигу веб-разработки. Книга «CSS для профи» подарит вам не только свежие идеи, но и вдохновит на подвиги, а облегчить этот тернистый путь помогут новейшие технические достижения - адаптивный дизайн, библиотеки шаблонов и многое другое.

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CSS Pocket Reference. 5Ed

CSS Pocket Reference. 5Ed - Eric A. Meyer


 When you're working with CSS and need an answer now, this concise yet comprehensive quick reference provides the essential information you need. Revised and updated for CSS3, this fifth edition is ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers.

You'll find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS and alphabetical summaries of CSS selectors and properties. You'll also discover information on new properties, including grid, flexbox, clipping, masking, and compositing.

  • Quickly find the information you need
  • Explore CSS concepts, values, selectors and queries, and properties
  • Learn how new features complement and extend your CSS practices
  • Discover new properties including animations, grid, flexbox, masking, filtering, and compositing in this new edition
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Mastering CSS Grid

Mastering CSS Grid - Pascal Thormeier


In this book you will find a comprehensive description of CSS Grid, learn both fundamental and advanced concepts with practical exercises. You will learn how to create responsive layouts and discover the best practices for implementing grids in any design. As you progress, you will explore the dynamic interaction between CSS Grid and flexbox, culminating in the development of a useful responsive web project as a benchmark for further improvement. You'll also see how frameworks use CSS Grid to create reusable components, and learn how to rebuild and polyfill CSS Grid for browsers that don't fully support it yet.

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Modern CSS

Modern CSS - Joe Attardi


 Come on a tour of “modern” CSS in 2020. This example-driven book demonstrates the concepts by showing code examples, screenshots, and diagrams to help clearly communicate the information.

 You'll start with the very basics of CSS: box model, colors, selectors and combinators, and specificity. Then gradually move through more intermediate topics - styling text, positioning, Z-index and stacking contexts, gradients, borders, and then to more advanced topics such as transforms, transitions, animations, flexbox, and CSS grid. Some features are only available in modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox), but information about IE11 compatibility is included where possible.

 There is a lot of discussion about how hard CSS is, and how intimidated some people are by it, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Modern CSS uses a logical and understandable approach to break down and clearly explain the ins and outs of CSS.

What You'll Learn

  • Work with the syntax of CSS selectors and calculate specificity
  • Use styling techniques, fonts and text styling
  • Review custom properties (variables)
  • Explore the different ways an element can be transformed
  • Use animating elements with CSS transitions 
  • Position elements using Flexbox layout
  • Understand the basics of responsive design

Who This Book Is For

 Anyone who has some experience with HTML, and some CSS, but might not be familiar with some of the newer concepts like flexbox or grid. Also, those looking for a refresher in those areas.

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Html, Css & Javascript in easy steps Special Edition

Html, Css & Javascript in easy steps Special Edition - Mike McGrath


 HTML, CSS & JavaScript in easy steps instructs the reader on each of the three coding languages that are used to create modern web pages: HyperText Markup Language (HTML) tags are used to control the structure of web page content; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) rules are used to determine how web page content appears; and JavaScript functions are used to provide web page interactivity.

 HTML, CSS & JavaScript in easy steps contains examples and screenshots that illustrate each feature of all three coding languages. You'll learn how to create web pages to display text, images, lists, tables, hyperlinks, forms, audio, and video. Each chapter builds your knowledge so by the end of the book you'll have gained a sound understanding of HTML markup, CSS rules, and JavaScript functions.

 HTML, CSS & JavaScript in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone who wants to create great functional web pages. It will appeal to programmers who want to quickly add web page coding to their skills set, and to the student who is studying website design at school or college, and to those seeking a career in web development.

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CSS Flex & Grid

CSS Flex & Grid - Shruti Balasa


 Most of the tutorials on the web teach the concepts of CSS Flexbox and Grid using some coloured blocks. You get introduced to all the CSS properties related to these concepts and how they work. But very rarely you get to see some examples of where and how these are used in the real world. Without understanding the real world application, learning is incomplete.

 This book takes a completely different approach. I won't teach you the things flex and grid can do. Instead, I will first show you some components and layouts and make you think how to build them using the CSS concepts you already know. Now you have a problem, and you want a solution. That's when I introduce the concepts you "need" to know.

 This is called Problem-Based Learning which will not only keep you motivated throughout the book, but also help you retain the knowledge far better.

Who is this book for?

 Whether you are a beginner at CSS who's never heard of flex and grid, or someone who knows all the concepts but finding it hard to implement in real projects, or anywhere in between, this book is for you. Even if you're here to just look at some examples and practise your skills, you will find a great collection here.

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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS. 3ed

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS. 3ed - Ben Frain


 Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Third Edition is a renewed and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS tools and techniques for responsive web design.

 Written in the author's signature friendly and informal style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design including better user accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, CSS Scroll Snap, and much, much more. With a new chapter dedicated to CSS Grid, you will understand how it differs from the Flexbox layout mechanism and when you should use one over the other.

 Furthermore, you will acquire practical knowledge of SVG, writing accessible HTML markup, creating stunning aesthetics and effects with CSS, applying transitions, transformations, and animations, integrating media queries, and more. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author.

 By the end of this book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique.

What you will learn

  • Integrate CSS media queries into your designs; apply different styles to different devices
  • Load different sets of images depending upon screen size or resolution
  • Leverage the speed, semantics, and clean markup of accessible HTML patterns
  • Implement SVGs into your designs to provide resolution-independent images
  • Apply the latest features of CSS like custom properties, variable fonts, and CSS Grid
  • Add validation and interface elements like date and color pickers to HTML forms
  • Understand the multitude of ways to enhance interface elements with filters, shadows, animations, and more

Who this book is for

 Are you a full-stack developer who needs to gem up on their front-end skills? Perhaps you work on the front-end and you need a definitive overview of all modern HTML and CSS has to offer? Maybe you have done a little website building but you need a deep understanding of responsive web designs and how to achieve them? This is a book for you!

 All you need to take advantage of this book is a working understanding of HTML and CSS. No JavaScript knowledge is needed.

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Complete Guide to CSS Flex and Grid

Complete Guide to CSS Flex and Grid - Shruti Balasa


 Most of the tutorials on the web teach the concepts of CSS Flexbox and Grid using some coloured blocks. You get introduced to all the CSS properties related to these concepts and how they work. But very rarely you get to see some examples of where and how these are used in the real world. Without understanding the real world application, learning is incomplete.

 This book takes a completely different approach. I won't teach you the things flex and grid can do. Instead, I will first show you some components and layouts and make you think how to build them using the CSS concepts you already know. Now you have a problem, and you want a solution. That's when I introduce the concepts you "need" to know.

 This is called Problem-Based Learning which will not only keep you motivated throughout the book, but also help you retain the knowledge far better.

Who is this book for?

 Whether you are a beginner at CSS who's never heard of flex and grid, or someone who knows all the concepts but finding it hard to implement in real projects, or anywhere in between, this book is for you. Even if you're here to just look at some examples and practise your skills, you will find a great collection here.

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The Random Knowledge Enthusiast Bootstrap 5 Foundations

The Random Knowledge Enthusiast Bootstrap 5 Foundations - Daniel Foreman


 Bootstrap is a HTML5, CSS and JavaScript framework that enjoys 72% of the market share. It is used to create mobile-first responsive websites quickly and easily. Bootstrap 5 is the newest version of this framework. Leaving behind jQuery for a more integrated web languages model Bootstrap 5 will drive a new generation of websites.No matter what your goal, this eBook will get you working with and understanding how Bootstrap 5 works. No matter what your goal, curiosity, career building, developing a business website. This eBook will give you the understanding you need to take existing HTML5 skills and use them with the world’s most popular web framework.

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Наглядный CSS

Наглядный CSS - Грег Сидельников


 На 1 июня 2018 года CSS содержал 415 уникальных свойств, относящихся к объекту style в любом элементе браузера Chrome. Сколько свойств доступно в вашем браузере на сегодняшний день? Наверняка уже почти шесть сотен. Наиболее важные из них мы и рассмотрим.

 Грег Сидельников упорядочил свойства по основной категории (положение, размерность, макеты, CSS-анимация) и визуализировал их работу.

 Вместо бесконечных томов документации – две с половиной сотни иллюстраций помогут вам разобраться во всех тонкостях работы CSS. Эта книга станет вашим настольным справочником, позволяя мгновенно перевести пожелания заказчика и собственное видение в компьютерный код!

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HTML5 + CSS3. Основы современного WEB-дизайна

HTML5 + CSS3. Основы современного WEB-дизайна - А. В. Кириченко, Александр А. Хрусталев


 С помощью нашей книги вы сможете легко и непринужденно освоить базовый курс HTML5 и CSS3. Уровень подаваемого материала книги позволит эффективно использовать полученные знания как новичку, так и более опытному программисту, желающему освоить основы или улучшить свои навыки web-программирования и web-дизайна. Помимо базового синтаксиса обоих языков, вы узнаете: как редактировать и работать с текстом в HTML5; как использовать списки, таблицы, скрипты и ссылки; как размещать мультимедиа-объекты и создавать макет web-страницы, как пользоваться формами и фреймами; как форматировать и видоизменять блоки и структуру документов при помощи CSS3, что из себя представляют визуальные функции CSS3 и многое другое. Каждый теоретический отрезок сопровождается практическим примером, наглядно демонстрирующем пройденный материал. Книга подойдет для всех желающих освоить или начать лучше ориентироваться в HTML5 и CSS3, которые являются на данным момент основными инструментами современного Web-дизайна.

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The Absolute Beginners Guide to HTML and CSS

The Absolute Beginners Guide to HTML and CSS - Kevin Wilson


 Written as an illustrated, step-by-step guide for beginners, this book will introduce you to HTML and CSS with lab exercises and examples of code.

 You'll begin by setting up the development environment such as local web server and html editor. The next few chapters cover web servers, the basics of HTML such as language syntax, tags, and how to write a program. Next, you'll learn how to put together simple web pages demonstrating how the code works and how to use various HTML tags and CSS to style the pages. Finally, the use of CMS to build websites such as Drupal and WordPress and how HTML and CSS fits in. At the end there are reference libraries for both HTML tags and CSS.

 The Absolute Beginners Guide to HTML and CSS provides you with the tools, confidence, and inspiration to start building web pages and websites. If you are a programmer, developer or a student, or just someone who wants to learn on their own, this book is for you.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand basic computer programming concepts
  • See how to use HTML and CSS to build web pages
  • Apply the syntax of HTML and CSS
  • See how HTML and CSS fits into CMS systems such as Drupal and WordPress

Who This Book Is For 

Software programmers, developers, students, and anyone who wants a quick reference for HTML and CSS

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Веб-дизайн для начинающих. 5 изд

Веб-дизайн для начинающих. 5 изд - Дженнифер Нидерст Роббинс


 Книга поможет освоить веб-дизайн, не имея опыта. На практических примерах показано, как создать простой сайт и постепенно его совершенствовать. Рассказано о создании веб-страниц, содержащих текст, ссылки, изображения, таблицы и формы. Описано применение CSS для создания и выбора цвета, фона, форматирования текста, макетирования страниц и выполнения простой анимации. Даны основы языка JavaScript и подчеркнута его важность в веб-дизайне. Описано создание, оптимизация и сокращение времени загрузки веб-изображений.

 В каждой главе представлены упражнения, которые позволят освоить описанные методики, и краткие контрольные вопросы для закрепления ключевых понятий.

 В пятом издании добавлен материал об использовании CSS Flexbox и Grid для создания сложных и гибких макетов страниц, тонкостях адаптивного веб-дизайна для отображения веб-страниц на экранах любых устройств, о работе с командной строкой, Git и другими инструментами веб-дизайнера, а также применении SVG-изображений

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Шпаргалки для начинающего верстальщика HTML/CSS

Шпаргалки для начинающего верстальщика HTML/CSS - Елена Эберт


 Когда я только начинала учить верстку, я записалась на бесплатные курсы по основам HTML/CSS на одной достаточно известной платформе, дополнительно я читала книгу Э. Робсон, Э. Фримена «Изучаем HTML, XHTML и CSS (Head First)».

 Все было отлично до того момента, пока я не сделала попытку сверстать небольшую простенькую веб-страницу самостоятельно. Оказывается пройденные курсы и прочитанная книга – это было зря потраченное время, так как информация, которую, например, мне дали курсы, была дана кусочками, дозировано, вследствие чего у меня совершенно не сложилось целостное понимание как и что я должна делать.

 Да я уже знала основные теги в HTML, у меня были базовые знания CSS, но только теоретические, применять их в реальности на примере реальной веб-страницы я не умела.

 Так пришла идея проанализировать основные типовые решения, типовой код, который используется при верстке веб-страницы и сформировать шпаргалку, с помощью которой я могу действительно верстать сайты, а не выполнять теоретические задачи из заданий курса, на которые в итоге я лишь трачу свое драгоценное время.

 Надеюсь мои шпаргалки помогут таким же начинающим верстальщикам сформировать понимание логики и структуры работы над версткой и продвигаться далее в этот интересный захватывающий мир веб-разработки.

 Также прошу учесть, что предложенные пути решения той или иной проблемы, имеют и иные варианты, здесь указаны самые простые для понимания, чтобы новичок мог сам понять и усвоить нужные действия и решения, а далее, с опытом смог их самостоятельно усложнять/ упрощать.

 Итак, начинаем!

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Bootstrap и CSS-препроцессор Sass

Bootstrap и CSS-препроцессор Sass - Николай Анатольевич Прохоренок


 Рассмотрена разработка адаптивных веб-сайтов, одинаково хорошо отображающихся на всех типах устройств, с использованием библиотеки Bootstrap и CSS препроцессора Sass. Описана система сеток на основе flex-контейнера, позволяющая задавать ширину колонок, их количество и порядок следования. Рассмотрено стилевое оформление стандартных элементов и большое количество готовых компонентов Bootstrap: адаптивная панель навигации, карточки, панели с вкладками, карусель, всплывающие подсказки и уведомления, модальные диалоговые окна и др. Описана сборка SCSS-файлов библиотеки Bootstrap под свой проект с использованием CSS-препроцессора Sass, а также создание собственного проекта без участия Bootstrap. Большое количество практических примеров помогает начать работу самостоятельно. Материал тщательно подобран, хорошо структурирован и компактно изложен, что позволяет использовать книгу как удобный справочник.

 Электронный архив с примерами находится на сайте издательства.

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