Manning Publications Co.

Information about the publisher:
Summary Manning is a publisher of computer books, videos, and projects for software developers, engineers, architects, system administrators, managers and all who are professionally involved with the computer business. We also publish for students and young programmers, including occasionally for children. We are an entirely virtual organization based on Shelter Island, New York, with many staff working from far-flung places like Manila and Zagreb. Company character "Independent" means we are not owned by a large corporate entity and are free to make decisions without bureaucratic overhead. That has allowed us to innovate and be flexible and to quickly adjust what we do as we go. We were the first by several years to sell our books as unprotected PDFs, something that later became commonplace. We were the first to start selling books before they were finished, in the Manning Early Access Program. This gave our readers access to our content as soon as it was readable, and this too has become common in the industry. And it means we are thinking every day about new ways to satisfy our customers, some of which we hope you will be pleased to discover in the not-too-distant future. How we improve We published our first book in 1993 and have been learning from our successes, and even more from our mistakes, ever since. Every new book teaches us something that helps us improve: How to choose the topics we publish on How to find the right authors for each book How to help authors write the best books they can How to ensure the content is valuable and easy to learn How to let readers know about our content Book Series We publish standalone titles as well as the following book series: Hello! In Action In Practice In Depth In a Month of Lunches Availability Readers can access our books through the Manning Early Access Program, Safari Books Online, and iBooks. Print copies, wherever they are bought, come with free electronic versions in PDF and ePub formats. With your print copy in hand, register it on the Manning site and you can download the digital versions from your account.