Prospect Press, Inc.

Information about the publisher:

 Prospect Press publishes textbooks across the Information Systems curriculum including introductory, core, upper-level, elective, and emerging courses. We also publish IS-related Data Analytics textbooks. Our family owned company has strived to produce good books at student-friendly prices since 2014.

 Prospect Press was founded to serve the Information Systems curriculum by publishing essential and innovative textbooks across the curriculum including introductory, emerging, elective, and upper-level courses. We now also offer textbooks for select Data Analytics and Programming courses, especially for courses offered in conjunction with an Information Systems program. 

 Prospect Press seeks to benefit all stakeholders. Our textbook prices are student friendly. We foster supportive relationships between authors and adopters. And more broadly, Prospect Press is a proud member of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility and continually supports their mission of protecting the natural, human, and economic environments through thoughtful business practices.