Indian Wolf Publications

Information about the publisher:

 Wolf Books India is one of the premium publishing house based out of India. We primarily focus on working with promising debutante authors from India and abroad. Wolf Books was created as a challenge to the operational model of the existing publication industry where it is extremely difficult for a first time author to convince the publisher to print their title. 

 Moreover with the advent of the self-publication model, we strongly believe there is a gross deterioration in the quality of the titles published every year. While most of the publishers working under the self-publication model mainly focus on the money they will make, there is a clear lack of emphasis given in the quality of the book in terms of content and concept. And this is the reason why most of the self-published books fail in the Indian market. 

 Apart from considering the quality of the title, there is also a clear expectation-delivery mismatch between the author and the publication house in terms of marketing and distribution of the book. While the author is paying a hefty amount of money in getting the title published, there is always an uncertainty regarding the availability of the book in the market for a considerable period of time. Since the publishers are too keen in selling unnecessary services (like creation of book video, creation of author's Fan pages on social media platforms), there is a concrete gap in the actual deliverable. 

 Having detailed the above issues, what we feel the biggest challenge in the current book market is having titles which are properly edited. Most of the publishing houses do not offer editorial services in their base slabs for self-publication. Editorial services are mainly available in mid range or higher slabs or are available on extra payments. This makes it even more difficult for the author to pay another hefty amount to get the manuscript edited. While a few of them can afford this, most of the authors go ahead with manuscripts not edited by professionals or remain unedited. This, is the final nail in the coffin of a title, leading to it's failure. The money spent by the author goes down the drain and the aspiration dies out.​

 Wolf books is a challenge to this existing system. We are pretty clear on what we offer and what we do. We tried making a list of things that we do, however, it turned out that the list of things that we don't do is loner.

Things we do:

  • We do spend a considerable amount of time on every single title no matter if the author is seasoned or a debutante.

  • We publish a book only when we are convinced with the manuscript and the net content of the title.

  • We do edit and proofread your manuscripts even if you have had it edited by a seasoned editorial team.

  • We only publish titles that are approved by our editorial team.

  • We only publish 4 to 5 titles each year, hence you can understand how every single title is important to us.

  • We do a bit of PR for the titles, but we strongly suggest the authors to consider other PR options too.

  • We do publish in self-pub as well as traditional-pub models. But the model depends on title to title and our editorial team strongly justifies their decision to the author.