Flutter and Dart

Flutter and Dart

 Flutter and Dart are quickly becoming the go-to tools for building scalable native mobile apps. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started with mobile development or an experienced developer looking to add Flutter and Dart to your toolkit, this book has something for you.

 In this practical guide, you'll learn everything you need to know to get started with Flutter and Dart and build your cross-platform mobile apps. The book starts with an overview of the Flutter and Dart framework. It then takes you through the basics of app development, and gives you a solid foundation to build upon. The book then focuses on how to design and build user interfaces with Flutter, including how to use widgets, layouts, and themes. It then helps you understand how to manage app state and handle data in Flutter, as well as how to optimize performance and integrate with native code. In addition to the core concepts, the book covers advanced topics to help you build robust and reliable apps. Lastly, it explores real-world case studies and examples of Flutter and Dart apps, providing inspiration and guidance for your projects.

 By the end of the book, you'll be able to build stunning multi-platform mobile apps with Flutter and Dart.

What you will learn

● Learn how to design and build user interfaces with Flutter.
● Discover techniques for managing app state and handling data in Flutter.
● Learn how to use Flutter and Dart for network programming and asynchronous programming.
● Get tips for testing and debugging Flutter and Dart apps.
● Explore best practices for optimizing app performance and integrating with native code.

Who this book is for

 This book is for Mobile app developers, Cross-platform developers, and App developers who want to build and deploy cross-platform apps with Flutter and Dart.

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