Joseph Edmonds


 Hi, my name is Joseph Edmonds, this is my very short bio:

 Since the early noughties I've been working in e-commerce, tech and PHP development. This means that I have witnessed and been part of the e-commerce revolution from the early days and have worked with numerous companies that have grown and developed over time. In this time period I've had the pleasure of seeing PHP grow from a fairly amateur language, punching way above its weight, into a modern and highly performant language for serious enterprise projects.

 In 2007 I launched an independent specialist agency called Edmonds Commerce Limited ( and we continue to this day to provide highly specialist PHP development services to business who use open source PHP and predominantly Magento as the backbone of their online systems.

 In 2020 I launched some new ventures under the name of LTS - (Long Term Support Ltd). LTS provides specialist help in recruitment, training, devops and infrastructure and of course development.

 I'm a Zend Certified Engineer amongst other credentials.