Christopher Hills


 I first fell in love with computers when I was in the Navy and became a Windows NT 4.0 Administrator for our police department. From there I was hooked and knew computer would be a part of my life for years to come. I started my technical schooling just focusing on my IT Diploma prior to 9/11, and ultimately had to drop out of school due to work schedules. A year later, I decided to go back to school full time and convert my diploma program into a degree. I completed my first year of schooling in Pennsylvania and then transferred to Phoenix, AZ to be closer to family. I continued my schooling at Kaplan College graduating with Honors and as Valedictorian in 2004. I landed my first IT job at SBC Yahoo DSL as a tech support representative and soon was given an opportunity to work at Charles Schwab in their technical support call center.

 I had an opportunity to work for the Arizona Department of Health Services on their Bio-Terrorism network. This is where I was able to cut my teeth as a true Systems Administrator or the next several years. This opened doors to work with a consulting firm on state contract and to service several Arizona State agencies as a consultant which also proved very rewarding. In 2009, during the economic crash, I too found myself in hardship where IT Consultants were being cut. I found myself having to start over from the ground up. I landed at a small mom and pop credit card processing agency where I was able to help right the ship for all their IT problems, after a year or so, I had the opportunity to work with the US Census and Lockheed Martin on the 2010 US Census. After the Census, I found myself at a fast-growing software development company in charge of all their IT needs.

 In 2011, I found myself back at Charles Schwab, but this time as part of the Active Directory team given my background. I settled in with Charles Schwab for 8 years. During the 8 years I was there I led several Least Privilege initiatives, programs, and projects. Within 6 months, I took over as product and service owner over their Privileged Access Management solution. Over the next several years I was responsible for legacy PAM maturity, growth, strategy, engineering, and operations. During my last 2-2.5yrs at Charles Schwab and overseeing the lifecycle management of the legacy PAM solution, I was introduced to BeyondTrust.

 I spent the next 2 years implementing several BeyondTrust solutions following a Microsoft Red Forest initiative, with the initial phase of the implementation done at record time to avoid potential FCC fines. While working with BeyondTrust I truly fell in love with the company and its people. I felt my passion for PAM and my background in identity and authorization would be a great asset at BeyondTrust.

 In 2019, I joined BeyondTrust as a Sr Solutions Architect with the goal of becoming the Deputy Chief Technology Officer. Once the Office of the CTO was built out, I transferred my title to Deputy CTO. After the first year as Deputy CTO and helping make an impact in our market and with our customers, I found myself holding the reins of our security and compliance questionnaires. I was also updating several product compliance documents and mapping our products to frameworks, resulting in obtaining the Deputy Chief Information Security Officer title to accompany my Deputy CTO title.

 Currently, I hold the Chief Security Strategist title where you will find me presenting thought leadership material at conferences, writing blog articles, or creating relative Privilege Access Management, and working with our executives and sales leaders help them bridge the gap between marketing, technology, and sales. I truly enjoy what I do and the people I get to work with, helping them achieve their goals to be smarter, more secure, and to help protect them against the cyber criminals of the world.